Fake Love

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     Colby wakes up to the sound of his phone going off. As he looks at the screen, he notices that it's 3 in the afternoon. Colby looks around the hotel room quickly, and finds Jake still asleep next to him, and Sam and Corey are both asleep on the other bed. With a quiet chuckle, Colby looks back down at his phone to find three text messages from Kat.

Kat, 1:17
Hey, how is it going? I thought I would check in since you didn't call me.

Kat, 2:35
You still haven't called, or texted. Should I text Sam instead?

Kat, 2:57
That's it, I'm texting Sam.

     Colby shakes his head with a smile. He quickly dials Kat's number, and waits patiently as the phone rings.

"Colby!" Kat's shout makes Colby pull the phone away from his ear; a small laugh escapes his dry lips.

"Hey, Kat." He whispers back as he quickly walks out to the hallway.

     When the door shuts softly, Kat's voice is already ringing through his ear again, "Why didn't you answer my texts? I was worried that you had another panic attack!" Colby can basically hear the pout that Kat has on her lips.

     With a small smile, Colby answers, "I'm sorry, I fell asleep."

"Oh, thank god. So, how has the trip been so far?" Kat asks, now speaking in a quieter tone.

     Colby sighs, "Well, the trip in general has been good... but the whole thing with Jake... and Sam." He explains quickly, his eyes looking around the creepy hallway he's in.

"What's happened?" Kat asks sweetly.

     Colby clenches his jaw, "Well, I'm sharing a bed with Jake, and-"

     Colby can't finish his explanation, because Kat's screech cuts him off.

"You're sharing a bed with WHO?" She says happily, "Oh my... that's just adorable." Kat mumbles to herself.

     Colby laughs loudly as he listens to the mumbles coming from the other side of the phone. He thinks back to how happy he was when Sam and Kat got together, 'I guess I understand.' He thinks to himself with another laugh.

"Kat!" Colby whines into the phone, a bright smile on his face as he stares at the floor.

"What? It is!" She argues, amusement in her voice.

     Colby is about to say something else, but is cut off by Kat, "So, what about Sam?"

"Oh! Well, I almost came out to him today." Colby sighs as he thinks back to the argument. He is quick to speak again, "He thought I was secretly seeing you behind his back. I had to quickly explain that I was just going through some stuff, and you're helping me." Colby's words come out shaky as he thinks about how harsh Sam was.

"What? That's stupid of him." Kat replies, she sounds angry. Colby sends a quick prayer for Sam as he listens to the girl rant about how she's going to lecture Sam later.

"Kat..." Colby says, he sounds amused as he interrupts Kat's ranting.

"Oh, sorry... sorry." She says with a giggle.

     Colby is about to answer, but the door to the room opens and a sleepy Jake pokes his head out into the hallway. The dark haired man smiles at Jake with adoration as he takes notice to his bed head and ruffled clothes. Jake gives Colby a smile back, but his eyes are confused as he notices Colby's on the phone.

     With a quick goodbye to Kat, and telling her he would call back later, Colby hangs up the phone and shoves it into his pocket.

     He walks up to Jake — who is still in the hallway — with a small blush on his cheeks, "I thought you were sleeping." Colby says shyly.

     Colby watches as a small blush forms on Jake's cheeks, "W-Well... I woke up, and your side of the bed w-was cold." He explains quickly, his hand scratches at the nape of his neck.

     With a smirk, Colby chuckles, "Hm, miss me?" He teases.

     Jake laughs softly, "I guess so." His blush deepens as he looks Colby in the eyes.

     Colby smirks at Jake before moving past him, intentionally brushing his hand against Jake's. The older man's eyes widen in shock when Jake gasps. Quickly looking back, Colby is shocked to find Jake not in the room anymore.

With a quiet sigh, Colby looks over to Sam, who is setting their camera up to explain what they're about to do. Grabbing his bag, Colby walks over to Sam to see if he needs help.

"Hey, I'm ready. Do you need help?" He asks softly.

His best friend turns and faces him. Sam gives Colby a small smile, "Nah, I'm ready now." He says before sitting down in front of the camera. Sam is quick to notice that Jake is gone.

"Could you go get Jake, Colbs?" Sam asks before he yells at Corey to get out of the bathroom.

"Yeah." Was Colby's response. His heart beats faster as he walks out of the door.

Jake is no where to be found.

Colby has been wandering the halls looking for Jake, but he hasn't found the brown eyed man. Colby grumbles as he pulls his phone out to text Jake for the second time the past 20 minutes.

Jake <3, 3:46
Dude, where are you? Sam is going to be pissed if we don't get back to the room.

Right before he hits send, Colby hears something a few feet away. Carefully, Colby turns the corner looking for the sound. He is shocked to find Jake curled up on the floor, sniffles coming from his crying form. The man quietly walks closer, careful to not scare Jake.

"Jake?" Colby whispers, his voice raspy.

Jake jerks up, and looks up to find Colby. His face is covered with tears, and is red from the crying. His eyes seem to focus when he recognizes the man in front of him.

"Colbs?" He rasps out, his voice is wobbly from emotions.

Colby kneels down to look Jake in the eyes, "What's wrong?" He asks softly.

The man in front of him sobs quietly as his eyes cast downwards. Colby grasps Jake's shoulder, rubbing it softly.

"I- " Jake starts, but is cut off by his sobs.

He breathes deeply before looking Colby in the eyes, "Tara doesn't love me." He mumbles.

Colby stares wide eyed at Jake. His shock overwhelms the slight burn of hope that corses through his veins.

Before Colby can say anything back, Sam's frustrated voice comes to their ears.

"There you guys are!" Sam's tall figure shadows over their crouched ones.

"We HAVE to get the investigation going!" He rants as he motions for them to get up, and follow him.

Colby chances a glance at Jake as he follows Sam to the room. His heart breaks when he sees Jake's confused, but sad facial expression. Colby sighs as he goes around another turn of a hallway.

Soon, they are walking into the room. A nervous Corey looks up as they all walk into the room, he complains how they shouldn't have left him alone. They all chuckle at their friend before they sit down in front of the camera, ready to get the adventure started.

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