Hear thyself!

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Years have already passed since you've decided to go away from home and live alone in a place you call now home. It was a decision, but you felt like you might lose yourself if you're going to stay at home instead. It was the one thing that saved your heart but burdened your soul.

When it was time for you to leave, I remember you asking yourself if it was what you wanted. You kept looking at your mother's eyes, wanting to know her side. Is she not angry? Is supporting my decision to leave? - Questions I thought were in your head at that moment.

You did not want to leave the family behind, but you've already decided. You always kept yourself in check to not let emotions control because you know not everyone supports you. Although it was the situation, you've chosen to close your ears on all the gossips you might hear.

You anticipated that you might be the talk in your neighborhood, and it was all okay with you. You've accepted that not all will support you on your choice, and not all will respect you for that.

You very well know that we cannot control what people may think towards us, that they may judge and label you because of your decision. But you've decided to let it all go and let people say whatever they want to say. You were more important.

You leaving home were heartbreak to anyone who was left. They may not look like it, but they were crying and worrying for you deep inside. They were hiding what they feel, for you not to see and so you could trust your decision. It was the support you never knew you had.

You had everything, yet you chose to let them go and build yourself on your own. You've chosen a life that has nothing and that others may not understand. To you, it was the first time you've decided on your own. It was the first time you've heard yourself.

"Sometimes you need to sit lonely on the floor in a quiet room in order to hear your own voice and not let it drown in the noise of others." - Charlotte Eriksson

When do we at least need to hear ourselves before listening to other people's opinions about us? Are we selfish when we prioritize what we feel and what we deemed good for ourselves?

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