First meeting

911 19 1

The hot warm sun pierced the tan skin of the occupant as he drifted by on his little row boat. Hat half covering his face relaxing as he let the sea take him. He was enjoying the salt air around him until he felt a wind blow in he wasn't excepting. Half sitting up he checked the skies and shrugged it off continuing his comfortable drifting. Until light rain began to splatter onto him. He sat up fully shocked as clouds began to flood the sky. He felt his row boat began to lift up more and more as the sea was disturbed by the incoming storm. "Oi' Oi' no one told me about this!" He exclaimed to himself grabbing his one row stick trying to right himself. But as the waves began to crash against he knew that was not gonna be enough in this situation. He began to scan around and saw a ship not to far from him. And desperately began to row towards it. He extended out his arms to the top and hopped up on the deck. He looked around and saw that everyone was busy trying to keep the ship moving smoothly. So he sneakily walked to the bottom and quickly got in a barrel full of apples. "Lucky." He whispered to himself as he began to eat. After eight apples he heard someone come in and at first paid them no mind. That is until he heard sorrowful weeping. There was a hole in the barrel and so he had looked out of it. Noticing the pink haired boy sitting on a wooden box with his head buried in his hands. At first Luffy was gonna choose to ignore the boy not wanting to stir up possible trouble. If they made him walk the plank he would die since his devil fruit did not permit him to swim in the sea. But the boy's weeping had made his apples taste bad. He popped open his lid and sat up to look at the surprised boy. "W-what are you doing in that barrel?" He asked completely confused. Luffy smiled "eating apples!" He called taking another bite of one he was currently working on.

The pink haired boy looking at him and nodded "I see that but .. why are you eating them in the barrel. .. actually what are you doing on this ship?" Asked the pink haired boy and Luffy shrugged "the storm destroyed my row boat." He said eating the stem of the apple and grabbing another. "You were on a row boat just a bit ago?!" He asked him quite loudly covering his mouth. Luffy heard heavy footsteps and quickly hid back in his barrel. The door swung open and Luffy watched as a man came in "Hey! I need to barrels of sake!" Shouted the stranger. The boy quickly pushed to barrels toward him. And the man picked them up one on each shoulder. "We'll be docking in two days loser since we're running out of supplies. Stop trying to run away the captain may be okay with ordering us to go get you. But guess what? I'm tired of trying to fetch you dogs bite I'd remember that Cody!" He warned before leaving the area kicking the door shut behind him. Luffy after a few minutes emerged back out of the barrel "so you name is Cody aye?" Luffy asked and the pink haired boy nodded "Forgive my manners what's your name?" He asked and Luffy grinned "I'm Monkey D. Luffy. I'm gonna be the king of pirates." He proclaimed proudly. Cody's jaw dropped open at this statement saying he was shocked was an understatement. "Y-You shouldn't make comments like that lightly Luffy-San!" Shouted Cody before covering his mouth and Luffy laughed "Your not very good at hiding are you?" He asked him grinning from ear to ear. Cody looked out the porthole nervously but heard laughing on the deck. He sighed in relief. "Why were you crying anyways?" Luffy asked eating his apple. He listened to Cody explain how he got on the pirate ship by mistake. And how the captain wouldn't let him leave no matter how many times he tried to run away. "I hate pirates, I wanna be a marine!" He proclaimed at the end. Luffy bursted out laughing at this shaking his head "Your an moron and a coward yet you wanna be a marine? And you say what I said was a light comment?" Luffy said laughing some more. A couple of days had passed as the two hung out. On the day they were to dock Luffy got completely out of the barrel and said "would you like my help escaping here?" Cody whom, had just watched him devour a whole turkey like a sandwich was in a daze. But reality hit him at Luffy's words.

Cody looked at him in shock as though he was from another species. "Do you not remember what I said? The captain of this ship is a giant lady with an iron club! How do you except to easily escape her?" Cody asked in disbelief. Luffy grinned at this question "I'm strong don't worry about that .. now answer me."said Luffy. Cody debated at then after a couple of minutes he nodded "yes please take me with you." Said Cody. Together the two emerged from the storage and walked to the deck. There was the ugly and fat captain ava. She looked over in shock; at the sight of Luffy whom she didn't know had been on her ship. "Cody what am i?" She asked in a deep and hoarse sounding voice. Cody stood there shaking and Luffy smiled "Your fat!" He said laughing at her. Her face went red with fury but this did not faze Luffy. She came up and smacked him down with her club. Luffy pretended to be hurt lying down on the deck his eyes on Cody. He hadn't said a word and was visibly trembling more now that Luffy was on the floor. "Now Cody what am I?" She asked slowly approaching him. When her back turned the Luffy he got up. Relief washes Cody's face followed by confusion. "Ava-sama uh, ... y-your ..  the fattest and ugliest woman I have ever seen!" He shouted. Luffy grinned jumping over Ava just as she lifted her club to hit him. "Well said Cody. Go get us one of they're life boats. I'll take care of her." Said Luffy. With the power of the devil fruit gum gum. Lift covered Cody as he ran to the life boat. He then pulled his arms back far "gum gum ... bazooka!" Luffy shouted making contact on Ava's body. The impact from his hands sent her flying off her ship. Cody had dropped the lifeboat and hopped in "Luffy our boat is ready!" Called Cody and Luffy ran hopping in. While the men were distracted trying to figure out where ava went. And so with Cody rowing the life boat they got to the next town. "Alright I'm gonna do what I want! Have fun." Luffy said walking off from Cody. As he walked through town he watched a little girl run toward the marine base. He smelled something good in her picnic basket and followed her wanting a bite. "You can't have some this isn't made for you!" She shouted at him when he asked. But Luffy was a persistent man and continued to pursue her.

There tied to a wooden post was a man with green hair and a bandana. He looked sweaty and thirsty his eyes shooting daggers at anyone. Luffy watched as the girl had found a small opening in the iron fence and crawled under. "Please you must eat. I have something to wash it down." She said softly holding up the rice ball to the man. He turned his head against her and sighed "I don't want it leave little girl." He said stubbornly. Just then a metal door swung open and a ugly butt chinned man came out. He walked straight up to the little girl with a ugly expression on his face. "If I remember correctly I'm sure he was not meant to eat!" He shouted at her snatching up her basket of goodies. He took a bite of the rice ball despite the little girls protest. He chew it then spit it out. "Ew rice is not meant to be sweet!" He shouted throwing them on the ground. He began to smash it with his shoes before walking off laughing. On his side were disgruntled marines forcing laughs. The little girl began to cry apologizing. It appears she had made them for him herself. She then ran out the gate and down the road. Luffy glanced at the man at the pole then ran off after the little girl. He found her in an alley crying her eyes out at her failure to feed the man. "Excuse me but why were you trying to feed him?" Luffy asked. "Because .. that man the smashed my food had tried to hurt me at the restaurant my parents work. The man on the pole saved me and now his tied up there. That was 3 days ago they haven't feed him or given him water!" She cried. Luffy smiled at her then getting up. "Ah I see .. I like him... don't worry .. I'm strong I'll get him out." Said Luffy running back. He extended his arms and jumped the fence. "Hey go away." The man called as Luffy got closer. He stopped fight infront of the freshly stomped food frowning. "I was chasing that girl for this .. I'm sad he ruined it. She wouldn't give it to me ... saying it was for her savior." Luffy whispered to the man.

The man looked at him and sighed "could you pick that up for me I'll still eat it." He said. Luffy nodded careful not to get to much dirt. He then feed it to the man. He began to cry laughing alittle dispite the tears. "Yeah this is way to sugary." He proclaimed. Luffy titled his head "what's your name?" He asked him. "Roronoa Zoro." He said and Luffy smiled "Hi my name is Monkey D.  Luffy, I'm gonna be the king of pirates!If I let you out .. I want you to join my crew." He said proudly. Zoro looked at him and shook his head "no way I'm not gonna be a pirate. I'm a swordsman." He said. Luffy smiled brightly poor Zoro did not know that Luffy was a very persistent man.

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