15 and a Thief

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A/N Hey everyone! Enjoy this next chapter! I'm sorry if everything seems to be going really slow... sometimes I like a story that builds rather than rushes. Don't forget to comment and vote!


You sat down on the couch and turn on the TV. I don't have a TV... what do I watch? You found a random show and began watching. There was a couple making out on a balcony. You leaned forward, staring at the two as their lips were locked. It made you feel... excited. You sighed and stared at it until an ad for jewelry popped up and you grunted and walked away. I wonder if that cute little turtle is still around.

You wandered into Raphael's room. You saw the turtle and it looked up at you. "Hello again little guy!" You walk up to it and pick it up. "You're so cute!" You carry it with you over to the couch and set it down on the floor. You sat in front of it and stared at it. It looked around and began to walk towards you. "Whatchya doin' little guy?" You ask while petting its shell. It started climbing onto your leg. "Aww! Somebody likes to cuddle!" You picked it up again and carried it with you to the couch. You laid on the couch and set it down on top of you. It's little feet felt funny on your bare stomach. You giggled.

"What's your name anyways little fella?" You ask aloud.

"His name's Spike." You look over and see Raphael standing with his arms crossed. "And he doesn't like when random people pick him up! And why were you in my room?" He reached down and took Spike from you, then set him on his shoulder.

"I dunno. I just wanted to play with him. He seems to like me." You smiled at the turtle, who almost seemed to smile back.

Raphael muttered to himself as he walked off somewhere. You got up and followed him. He set Spike down on the counter in the kitchen and went into the fridge. You took the opportunity to pet Spike some more. Raph walked over with a big leaf, and you stepped aside. You watched Raph hold it out to Spike, and he chomped on it. You smiled at Spike and watched him chew on his leaf. It's so cute! You noticed Raph was staring at you, so you waved at him awkwardly and he quickly looked away.

"Can I feed him?" You asked. Raphael hesitated.

"...Sure." He handed the leaf to you and you grabbed it and held it up to Spike. Spike gladly chomped on it and chewed. "Awww." You giggled.

"What?" You heard a voice behind you. It was Mikey. "Raphael's letting you feed Spike? He never lets me feed him!" You shrugged and held the leaf out to Spike. "Why does she get to feed him?" Mikey whined.

"Because. She's not a big clutz." Raph answered, making you chuckle.

"Yeah I'm pretty coordinated. Kinda have to be if you live on the streets for as long as I have." You explained. Raph looked at you curiously as Spike took another bite.

"You... live on the streets?" Raph asked. Oh crap. He can't know I'm homeless!

"Uh, I meant, uh... You know... tough guy stuff..."

"No, I don't know." Mikey said. Crap! What do I say now? You shut your eyes tight, feeling embarrassed.

"Of course you don't Mikey. You're not a tough guy... like us." You felt Raph's elbow gently jab your side. You opened your eyes and looked at Raph. He smirked and winked. He's... saving me the embarrassment? You gave him a grateful smile.

"So what do you do for fun?" Mikey asked.

"Uhh... I dunno... explore the city I guess." You mumble while feeding Spike. "What about you guys?"

"All kinds of stuff! Read comics, watch TV, skateboard... prank my brothers!" You heard a splash and felt cold water hit your sides and face, making you squeal. Raphael was soaked!

"MIKEY!!!!!" Raphael was livid! He ran after Mikey. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!" You heard Mikey laughing as he ran off. You giggle, but shiver from the cold water. What do I do for fun? I feel like I'm always just wandering... like I'm searching for something different. You smile as Spike takes another bite of his leaf. You hear Mikey screaming from somewhere and chuckle.

Soon, Raphael returned with a towel. He was muttering something under his breath. "Here." He grumbled as he tossed you another towel.

"Thanks." You start drying yourself off. Man... I really need a shower. You wrap the towel around your neck. By now Spike has finished eating his leaf. Raph walked up and picked him up.

"Sorry about Mikey." He said.

"Ah, no worries. He seems fun." You smile.

"Yeah, sometimes. He's more of a... pain in the shell." Raph commented.

"Seems like it." You chuckle. Raph placed Spike on his shoulder. You both look at each other awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Well..." He began, "if you're gonna be staying here you need somewhere to sleep. We should set something up for ya." You smirk. This guy's a bit of a perv, wasn't he? Let's see how he responds to my teasing.

"Hmm... I thought your bed was pretty comfy." You took a step closer to him. "Why don't I just sleep with you~?" Raphael's face turned as red as his bandana.

"Y-y-you-... I-I-.... B-bu-" He took a step backwards, completely thrown off guard. You gave a lilting laugh.

"You know," You took a step forward, placing your finger under his chin and looking him straight in the eyes, said "you're pretty cute when you're not yelling at everyone." He gulped, and you threw the towel that was around your neck over his head. You laughed and stepped away from him. He ripped it off and face was still red, but it was starting to return to its normal green hue.

"Hey guys!" You look past Raph and see that girl from before walking in.

Raphael turned around, cleared his throat and said "h-hey April." His voice cracked.

"You okay?" She asked, looking at him confused.

"Y-yep! Perfectly fine!" He placed his hand on the edge of the counter, trying to look casual.

"Okay... but uh... why is she still here?" April asked while pointing at you. You walked up to Raph and leaned on him with your arms crossed.

"Just felt like chillin'." You said with a smirk.

'I'm still mad at you for taking my phone." She said. You nod.

"I understand. If I were you, I'd still be mad. But- Wait... did I ever give it back?" You asked while reaching into your pocket.

"No. Raphael gave it back to me." She answered. A big grin formed on your face.

"Ooohhh~ So you did grow a pair and grab it out of my back pocket?" You teased Raph, looking at his face.

"WHAT? I-it fell out of your pocket!!!" He stuttered.

"Sure it did." You winked at him, his face starting to turn red again. He's clearly telling the truth. But he's cute like this!

"Okay... not sure what's going on but I'm going to see Donnie. He promised to help me with a school project. Have you seen him?" She asked.

"He was in the dojo last I checked but he's probably in his lab now doing nerd stuff." Raph answered.

"Cool, thanks." She walked off. Raph pet Spike and started walking away.

"Hold on." You said. He stopped and turned around. "Why did you guys mutate yourselves?" You asked, wanting to know more about their past.

"We didn't." He answered, "It was an accident."

"Well if the stuff is so dangerous why does Donatello keep it in his lab?" You asked.

"He's trying to make an antidote for it." He explained.

"Huh. So he can turn you guys back into humans?" You asked him.

"We were never human to begin with. We were just turtles."

"Huh... how old are you guys anyways?"

"15." He replied.

"Me too." You smiled.

"Huh. 15 and a thief." You felt a pang in your chest when he said that. He turned and walked away. What a jerk.... 

TMNT Raphael x Reader; My Pretty Little ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now