Cleaning time

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Natalia was nervous. Nervous seemed a slight understatement, she was freaking out. She hadn't had a guest over since she'd moved in the summer so she hadn't bothered to clean too intensly. Her place was a mess.

Empty take out cartons were littered along the kitchen counter, her bed hadn't been properly made since she got injured, and the pile of clothes in the corner was ever growing.

As soon as she walked in, she discarded her crutches to the side and began cleaning. She couldn't let someone see her place like that! That took her 2 hours and by the time she was finished her leg was throbbing.

She still had an hour to go before Rachel arrived and she hadn't even begun to think about getting ready! She spent the rest of the hour trying on outfit after outfit. She wanted to be casual but not too casual. When she had finished that her leg was really throbbing.

As soon as she sat down there was a knock at the door. Her heart started to race as she slowly stood up and made her way over. She waited a few seconds before opening the door, she didn't want to seem too eager. And when she did she felt those same butterflies from the first time she saw her.

"Hey, I brought pizza."

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