👑When you find out what they are/ The mate bond👑

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That smirk, that damn smirk. It drew me in and the pains slowly went away. His gaze was fixed on me as he spoke, "Welcome all." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, his voice was hypnotic. I couldn't understand what he was saying I could only hear the hum of his voice. As he spoke I noticed the two people on the thrones behind him get closer, the people who weren't in the tour group got closer as well. What the Hell I Thought as I noticed that all the people who weren't tourists shared the same red eyes as the three in the middle. My senses heightened as I couldn't hear the hum of his voice anymore. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as the sneering blonde grabbed one of the tourists and bit her. Screams were all that can be heard as the red-eyed people grabbed people and bit them. As much as I wanted to my body wouldn't move as my brain was trying to process what was happening.  Vampires I thought as I watched the man in the middle of the brunette and blonde walked towards me. The man I had been admiring was walking toward me and my brain was trying to get me to run, but my legs wouldn't budge. "I won't hurt you, mia regina," he said as he finally said as my back hit the wall and he caught up to me. I was trembling as he put his hands around my waist and started leading me out of the room, trying to shield me from the slaughter that was happening around me. " I am Aro Volturi. What is your name, diletta?" He said as he shielded me from the growing pile of bodies. "(Y-Y/N)" I said going back to my hypnotized state as I looked into his eyes. "Why won't you hurt me?" I asked trying to understand everything. Aro stroked my hair and kissed the top of my hair and whispered, "Because you're my mate."


Caius growled as I coughed on the floor. He went over to Marcus and stayed quiet looking like he was fighting a war in his head. Bella ran over to me, somehow she had gotten out from the guard's grip.  "Are you okay?" she says helping me stand. I nodded not wanting to speak, it would have hurt to speak. I was trying to get Bella to calm down when Edward let out a growl that put everyone on edge, " No, It can't be." Edward said glaring at Caius, who sent a glare back. Bella and I shared confused looks as Aro grabbed a hold of Marcus' hand. "It appears to be true, What's her name?" Aro sighed. I looked over to Alice and she nodded. "(Y/N)" I rasped out, my voice still recovering from being choked. When I spoke Caius flinched and looked to be in pain. "May I?" Aro asked holding his hand out to me, I nodded and shakily put my hand in his. I gasped as I saw all of my memories were being replayed. He dropped my hand and was pondering what he saw. "What's going on?" Bella asked getting sick of being left out. Caius sent her a glare and Edward push Bella behind him lightly. "It seems that Caius has found his mate," Aro said as he went over to Caius' side. "WHAT?!?!" Bella and I screeched at the same time, Caius sent a glare over to Bella and walked over to me. "It's true, Bellissima, and I deeply apologize for what I did earlier. I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me." Caius said as he took my hand and kissed it.


I took his hand and said, "I'm sorry for trespassing I just really wanted to see the library." He gave me a small smile and gave me a look that told me that everything would be alright. "Its late, Tesoro, you should get going," he said leading me out and handing me his phone number.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

Ever since that day Marcus and I spoke every day and hung out whenever he was free. It was a weird thing whenever we talked I felt whole but whenever we left or hung up the phone my chest would hurt and I felt empty. Today Marcus and I were going to be hanging out in his library. When I got there the atmosphere seemed tense but I shook it off thinking that maybe he had a bad day at work. We just sat around and read, well he read I was too busy trying to figure out what was wrong. 

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

About an hour later Marcus took notice of my thinking instead of reading, "What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asked closing his book. I shrugged and closed my book, " You seem distracted today and I'm trying to figure out what's wrong." He looked at me worriedly and sighed. Marcus got up and walked away from me. I just watched as he was deciding if he should tell me what was wrong or not. He finally turned around and looked at me. "Promise me you won't be scared if I tell you." He said as he took my hand. I was hesitant to answer but I nodded anyway. Marcus smiled and stroked my hair. "I'm a vampire, and... you're my mate." He said looking in my eyes making sure I wasn't scared. I was shocked but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. I smiled at him, "While I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I should have known. Everything about you seems too perfect." I replied. He gave a small laugh and kissed my hand. "I have one question, what is a mate in your world?" I asked and he sighed, "It is like how humans perceive soul mates, except we could never harm them and if the bond is rejected they will slowly die, not physically but emotionally." I nodded and didn't ask any more questions. The rest of the day went smoothly, we just sat and enjoyed each other's company.


The house was tense for the next couple of days after the Volturi's visit, the main reason was that after they saw Nessie they didn't leave. While I was glad that Jane wasn't leaving I knew how much it stress it causes my family so I wanted them to leave. It was difficult getting used to coming home and having the Volturi guards there, what was even weirder was during school I swear that I was being watched. The feeling of being watched was worse when I was outside or in a class that had windows but I shook it off because I thought it was one of my family members making sure I was ok. Well, I thought it was my family until I saw who was watching me. It was pure coincidence, I was bored in class and I decided to look out the window and saw her. My eyes widened as I saw Jane in one of the trees by the school, She saw me and bolted. As soon as she left I texted my mom and convinced her to bring me home. "(Y/n) are you ok?" Mom asked as I got to the car. I shook my head, "I need to talk to Jane as soon as we get home..... alone." I said and mom looked at me like I had a horn growing out of my head. I gave her a look that said not to ask questions. She nodded and sped off to the house.

~~~~~Time skip~~~~~

I slammed the door the moment Mom put the car in park, she quickly got everyone out of the house except for Jane. I looked at Jane and I could tell she was nervous, "Why were you watching me at school?" I questioned trying to look intimidating. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said eyes cast away from me. "That's bullshit and you know it!" I scoffed. Jane stayed silent and I finally got pissed off enough to just walk past her and hit my shoulder with hers. "Wait," she said grabbing my arm. I glared at her, but my glare melted away when I saw the fear in her eyes. "Okay, I'm listening," I said as I looked into her eyes. She took an unnecessary breath, "The reason I've been watching you at school is because...well... You're my mate," she didn't meet my eyes as she said it. "Really?" I said looking hopeful. I have always dreamed of the day I met my mate. I've watched my parents for years and I envied their love. Jane nodded finally making eye contact with me. I smiled and she looked happy for a moment, but then she looked upset. "What's wrong aren't you happy?" I asked as I put my hand on hers. "I am but I don't know how others will react," she said squeezing my hand slightly. "Don't worry about that. We'll figure it out together." I said smiling. Jane put her hand on my face and I felt pure bliss.

I'm going to add Alec's later, I'm drawing a blank here. Sorry.


Demetri kept trying to keep me from seeing the sight in front of me, but I kept seeing glimpses of what was happening. "What's going on? Why is there a fire?" I asked trying to see what was going on. No matter where I moved he was always blocking my view.  "Trust me you don't want to see what's going on." He said. I finally gave up and just sat there; after a while, I was starting to get uncomfortable. All Demetri did was stare at me and it was starting to piss me off, I finally met his eyes to yell at him to stop when my words got stuck in my throat. When our gazes met it was like my whole world changed and my chest started to hurt. I gasped and gripped my chest in pain, " What's happening?" I cried. He sighed and said, "It's the mating bond. I'm sorry but you're going to have to come with us." I was going to protest but before I could say anything something hit my head and then everything went black


Since the crash, Felix and I have been hanging out and we have become good friends. God forbid I say I even like him, I mean what's not to like he is like a big teddy bear. He's sweet, he's kind and he's been nothing but truthful to me. I know that he's a vampire but that doesn't change who he is. Today Felix has been acting differently, he's been fidgety around me and refuses to look me in the eye.  "Hey, are you ok?" he askes snapping me out of my thoughts. I just nodded and listened to what he was going to tell me. "Okay let's do this," he took an unnecessary breath," I've been needing to tell you something but I've been scared to but I'm just going to say it. So here it goes." He hesitated before I touched his arm in a reassuring manner, he looked at my hand and smiled. "In the vampire world we have mates, they are like soul mates and when you meet yours it changes your whole world. I've tried to tell you this for a while but it's never seemed to be the right time but what I'm trying to say is... you're my mate." I stared at him for a second before I smiled. " I'm Ok with being your mate.. if you'll have me,"  I said. he nodded and hugged me.

Sucky at the end I know but I had really bad writer's block. Anyway I hope you enjoyed like always if you have any request please send me them in the comments or dm me.

Word Count:2006

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