Volturi Kings x Reader Imagine

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Quite and tender was all (Y/N) could describe the moment. She was currently in the library with her mates all of them reading their own book, all happy being in each others company; moments like these were very few for the human and her mates. She was leaning against Caius and reading (favorite book) while Caius was reading something in Greek that she couldn't understand. As she was reading she felt her eyes start to droop, but not wanting to end the moment she said nothing. They continued in their silence until she let out a small yawn and all three of her mates had their eyes on her. Traitor  she thought to herself. Caius looked down at her with a small smile, "Are you tired Tesoro?" he said as he put his book down gently. She nodded, "Yes I am but I didn't want to ruin the moment I'm sorry." She said sadly. Aro moved over to her and picked her up bridal style, "You have nothing to be sorry for la mia regina" Marcus smiled at his mate and put his book down on the table as they all left the library to Aro's chambers.


As the four arrived to Aro's room they quickly laid her down on the bed and laid with her. "Rest il mio mondo" Marcus said kissing her neck gently. Aro took her face in his hands and gently stroked her cheeks while humming a song to help her relax. "Ti amiamo"  Caius said as he stroked her hair. The three kings kept saying sweet nothings trying to get their queen to fall asleep until and hour later she finally fell asleep with a smile on her face and hugging Aro's arm. 

Tesoro= Darling

la mia regina= my queen

il mio mondo =my world

Ti amiamo=we love you

This was requested by  @BayBay08 thank you so much for requesting this I love the three Volturi so much and I had so much fun writing this I'm sorry I've been gone for so long I hope I'll be able to post more often thank you all for being so patient 

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