Chapter 3: Volume 7

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Ruby (POV)
All of us who are capable to fight run out onto the streets. People run in panic and we take out our weapons.
Oscar- Looks like the cities defenses aren't doing much.
Nora- Somehow that doesn't surprise me.
There's a low growl and an Atlasian android getss chucked into a pile front around the corner. Another follows until two more back up and are shooting at something. A sabertooth looking grim comes into our view and starts ripping the androids apart.
Ruby- Well we didn't come this far to fail now.
The whole pack of sabertooth grim sees us and rushes us.
Dante- Get ready.
Ethan- I'm totally ready! Watch this!
Dante (POV)
Ethan takes out two of his blades and rushes in first followed by his girl Yang.
Dante- Oh you are not winning this game!
I use my fire powers to boost me to the front.
I tackle a grim head on. We roll around and the ground until I'm sitting over it and I stab it in it's neck with my Katana.
Dante- That's one for me guys.
I get knocked from behind by another grim and I'm on my back blocking the creature's mouth with my blade.
Dante- I ain't your food. I am nowhere near delicious!
Two claws come through it's skull and the creature fades away.
Elias- Two for me.
Ethan- Uh guys,
We look to Ethan who just cut two grim's heads off.
Ethan- I'm at four you slowpokes. Keep up.
Dante- If that's the case then how about this.
Weiss uses her gravity glyphs to lift a big group of grim. I point my katana at the group.
Dante- Flame Emperors Rage.
A big fire blast shoots from my sword tip and incinerates the entire group.
Weiss- That was a good one babe.
Dante- Couldn't have done it without your setup.
Weiss- Dante watch out!
I turn around to slice a leaping grim but it gets cut in half by a green laser.
Dante- Oh come on! I had that one. Who did that?
Elias- I don't know.
Ethan- Look.
More lasers take out the grim until there are none left. A girl flying through the air lands before us.
Ethan- Looks like she wins this one.
ED- For sure.
Dante- Who is that anyway.
Peatro comes riding in on his robot walking chair.
Peatro- Darling, why don't you say high to your old friends.
The girl turns around to face us and gives us a big opened mouth smile.

EEDR- Penny?Dante- No frickin way!We put away our weapon as we just gawk in awe

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EEDR- Penny?
Dante- No frickin way!
We put away our weapon as we just gawk in awe.
Penny- Sal.....
Dante- What?
Penny- (backs up and activates rocket feet) U.....
Dante- *mind*-Oh this is going to end badly.
Penny- Tations!!!!!
She boosts off towards us and tackle hugs Ruby.
Penny- (gets up) It is such a pleasure to see you all again.
Ruby- (gets up) Penny.....I thought.....I thought you.....
Peatro- Died?
Ethan- We all thought that.
Peatro- Well in a matter of speaking, she did. But we were able to recover her core from Anima arena once it had made its way back to Atlas. Of course it took me some time but-
Penny- I'm as good as new. Better even. And now I'm the official protector of the city.
Peatro- That's my girl. We're not gonna let a little ripping to shreds stop us are we?
Penny- No sir.
Weiss- This is......
Blake- Strangely wholesome.
Yang- Sounds like Penny to me.
Penny- We have so many things to catch up about. Say, you all you guys are here except Zack. Where is my pal?
Ruby- Well he's just resting in Mr. Peatro's office.
Penny- Really?!! Oooohh I cannot wait to see him!
More sirens go off.
Penny- It looks like it'll have to wait.
She blasts off into the sky to seek out more danger.
Nora- I can't tell if I completely understand what's going on or have like a million questions.
Peatro- And thankfully I have about a thousand answers. But let's get out of this cold first.
Jaune- That was unexpected.
Ren- Never a dull moment.
Qrow- But I wouldn't say unwelcomed. I was honestly expecting things to go a lot rougher.
Ethan- Rougher how?
Right on cue, we're all on the ground bound by our hands a feet with our weapons out of reach.
Elias- You had to say something didn't you?
Ethan- Hehe. My bad bro.
Oscar- Hey what's going on?
A dude steps before our downed selves.
Qrow- Hey pal! I'm a licensed Huntsman. Just helped save everyone?!
The guy ignores Qrow and he along with the rest of his team plus a squad of androids take our weapons and the lamp.
Dude- Let's get them loaded into the next transport.
Ruby- Please! We were just trying to help.
Elias- Yeah man! Let us go!
Peatro- What is the meaning of this? What are the ACE Ops even doing down here in Mantel?
Ethan- ACE Ops?
Dude- Ah doctor. It's good to see you. Well we heard a report about an unauthorized ship making an unauthorized landing followed by an unauthorized use of weapons by non licensed Huntsman and Huntresses.
Peatro- If we can just talk this out.
Dude- They'll be able to talk this out once they get up to Atlas. Let's move out!
They go off on their way and we get loaded into the back of a flying police van.
Qrow- Now this, this is much closer to what I was expecting.
Little did they know that a top Peatro's office building stood one Zack Fullbuster overlooking the entire thing.
Zack (POV)
Cas- Yo Zack, you feeling alright my guy?
Zack- (creepy grin) I'm doing just fine.
Cas- If you say so. So what are we going to do about our friends? They just got captured.
Zack- I see that. I'm going to save them eventually but first, I want to see where they're headed.
The flying van takes off and I turn into my small dragon form and fly after it.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Yo Zack you good homie?
Zack: I'm doing alright. There's nothing wrong at all.
Indigo: Yeah.......if you say so. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin  A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 7Where stories live. Discover now