Chapter 20: Their Friends

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And so, the days passed by and the routine is still the same. Every time I have a free time during the afternoon, me and Neo would meet up in the old warehouse and hang out. The more we spend our time together, the more we get to know each other deeper.

While we're at it, she's also helping me with how I should get Weiss back to acknowledging me. I say it was pretty hard, whenever I tried to talk to her she just shuts the door in front of me. Me and my sisters were pretty distant to each other since that incident in the park. I guess they're on Weiss' side right now. Can't blame them though, all of this drama is my fault and they were dragged in it.

Currently I'm in the library, looking for some specific books that Ginger asked me to bring it to her. At least my team is with me, I'm glad I have people like them with me. After getting the books that I need, I informed the librarian that I would be borrowing them and headed out the library to get to the my dorm.

Later, I arrived in front of the door and knocked a few times before waiting for the door to be open. Dahlia opened it for me and I entered inside.

"Hey Ginger, here are the books you asked me to bring here." I said as I placed the stack of books on the table.

"Thank you so much, Y/N! Now I can finally start fixing my weapon." Ginger stated.

"What really happened to your weapon anyway? Why is it in that state?" Dahlia asked.

"While I was out a Beowulf suddenly took it and somehow broke it, luckily I manage to retrieve it." Ginger explained.

"You're one careless wildcat." Noir said to her.

"It's in my nature, deal with it." Ginger pouted.

"Aww look how cute she is when she pouts!" Dahlia teased as she began to pinch her cheeks.

"H-hey! Dahlia, stop! No!" Ginger begged.

"I think you should stop now Dahlia, you might make her cry." Noir told her.

"I am not going to cry." Ginger said while Dahlia finally let go of her.

The three of us only laughed and decided to help Ginger fix her weapon. We manage to fix the weapon in just a matter of minutes due to the four of us working together. I told Ginger to test it and it seems it's working normally again. Ginger showed us her gratitude and puts away her weapon. Now that's done, we don't know what to do next. Noir suggested that we should go out and eat, but I declined, saying that I don't wanna go out at the moment.

"Y/N, how are you and Weiss?" Dahlia suddenly brought up that topic.

"Well.. You can say it's still complicated. She's been ignoring me these past few days. She might still be mad about what happened in the park." I replied.

"Seriously though, didn't know that you were friends with that girl. Do you have any other connections with her?" Noir said.

"No, we're just friends. Apparently she's also helping me with getting back with Weiss." I said.

"I see.... so how are you going to get back to Weiss?" He asked.

"Still not sure, but for now I'll try and force my way to talk to her. Whether she ignores me, I'll just have to do it again." I said to him.

"Since your criminal friend is helping you, and as your teammates, it's our job to help each other in need." Ginger exclaimed.

"Yep! So if you're ever going to attempt to talk to her, we'll be just behind your back!" Dahlia smiled.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate. But I think I can handle this on my own, there's no need for other people to butt in in this matter." I said to them.

"If you say so, but just in case you need our help. We'll be here for you." Noir stated with a smile.

"Got it." I smiled back.


"How are you feeling, Weiss?" Ruby asked me worriedly.

"I'm doing good, Ruby. Like I said, you don't need to worry about me that much. I'm fine." I said to her.

"Sorry, it's just that you look even sadder than before." She said.

"Do I?" I asked.

"Yeah.... you're probably thinking about what happened in the park days ago, aren't you?" Ruby placed her hand on my back.

"No, not really- well yes, but I'm thinking about something else. Something he told me the other day." I took a breath.

"Mind telling me what it is?" Ruby asked.

"He said that.. he said.. He said that he'll make me his." I blush slightly at this sentence.

"Wait, really!" Ruby's personality suddenly changed.

"Be quiet!" I exclaimed, the blush still pasted on my face.

"Sorry, haha. I got carried away by that, but for real, did he said that to you?" Ruby questioned.

'"Yes, he did." I confirmed her.

"Then that means it was all a misunderstanding!" She shouted.

"I know but, what if he actually did go out with her?" I said.

"Good question...." She placed her index finger and thumb under her chin as if she was thinking.

I blankly stare at her as her blabbering starts and goes on. She reminded me of some guy in a show that I watched also blabbering about a simple thing which caused his friends to be weirded out. Once I've had enough of her nonsense, I shut her mouth with my palm. Ruby is now muffling and is trying to remove my hand from her.

"What was that for?!" She pouted at me.

"You were talking so much so I had to shut you up." I said.

"You could've just told me to stop than doing that!" She shouted.

"Then you'll only ignore it and continue on talking." I blankly looked at her once again.

"Hey you two, we're back." Yang entered the dorm along with Blake behind her.

"Welcome back Yang, Blake!" Ruby greeted them.

"So how is Weiss doing?" Blake asked her.

"She's still being reluctantly about what happened."

"No I'm not!" I denied.

"Yes you are!" Ruby yelled back.

"It's normal for a girl to feel like that when the boy she likes is with a other girl." Blake said.

"I don't like him! I hate him!" I said.

"You're being a tsun-tsun Weiss." Ruby began to tsk at me.

"Shut up, Ruby!"

"My, my, guess we have a lot to do today huh?" Yang stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Let's say, we'll start with helping you recover from that incident!" She said.

"I don't need your help with that! I got this myself." I crossed my arms.

"Yes. You. Do!" Ruby pushed me.

"Ruby, I hate you!" I yelled.

"We're best friends! Of course we love and hate each other!" She yelled back.

"I never said anything about us being best friends!"

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