It was cold, as all winters were. The snow swishing and swirling with the wind, the new year was fast approaching.
Yet, event with the frost raining from the sky, I felt warm.
The darkest of nights, with the coldest of colds but it didn't deter me.
I walked home alone, yet the happiest feeling wouldn't leave. Unlocking the door I heard sound within, the sound of feet tipping and tapping. Proceeding to open the door and then...
One by one tears started to fall, it soon became a waterfall. The feeling of absolute love and joy surrounded me. There stood in front of me family from all over, laughing, joking around, doing what family's do.
Little gestures. Little thoughts. Little moments.
They soon saw me, and altogether the world seemed so clear. As if a fog has been lifted and the weight of my shoulders has disappeared. My scattered family gathered around me and gave me hug. The tears started to fall down faster.
This truly had been the warmest of winters.

Short stories
RandomThese are just gonna be stories that have popped into my head or just really deep stuff I have thought of