Rust was sad owo. He could not get Maxwell boodi that he wants.
He couldn't be anymore depressed and right now he would rather hand himself than see is own ugly face.
Rust arrived at school and he has to teavh kids about popsicle sticks and shit.
And when uts lunch he will dump out the juices of his ramen noodle cups.
Maxwell was at rust's door
Ahhh shit. What the fick am i doing. Thats it im castrating my own testicles. Im,done with this gay bull shit. Why did i listen to that porn loving sac squeezer. Just do it you pussy just open the fucking door and pull of your lace thong until its flirting with your butthole and cutting the circulation off your balls.
Maxwell open the door.
Rust looked at the door with a face full of cardboard thasting noobles.
Rust eyes went wide like basketbals. You could dribble them bitches
Maxwell walkind in and shit the door.
Rust slurrped up the noobles and kept looking at Maxwell. He has a little bit off ramen piss on his face.
"Hey rust." Maxwell said.
"Hwaiii" rust said, his worss werw all fucked his his tongue decided it was good to chop it self off and run,away becuse it hated to be in the mouth of a faggot.
Maxwell walked a litlle closer, keeping his distance. He didntvwant to contract some oompla oolpa disease.
"Hey i was wondering if you wanted to together?" Maxipad asked.
Rust nodded hos hairles nugget head. He got whiplash.
Rust scooted over as Maxwell came over.
Maxwell noticed that rust smelled old lady cooch and the sewer where pennydick fucked his Corpses.
"So, you like me now."
"Huh" maxibeannu said. The smell of linty ass hole was fogging his mind.
"Oh silly" rust gave his smile full of crooked teath,
Maxwell looked in DISGUST
"I said , so you like me now"
Maxwell contemplated. Do i really
"Yeah, i do."
Rust had animu sparkle in his eyes.
"Ooooh maxeell senpai desne. You really like me nyaaaa~"
Oh god what have done. Abort ABORT.
"um,sure." Maxwell said.
"Oh goodie now can you clap cheeks with my little neko buns than."
Hold up.
Maxwell didnt know if he wanted to do that or jump off a cliff. I mean he really wanted some assjuice but Rust was a whole nother creature so he wasnt to sure.
Ahh fuck it.
"Why not."
Rust about hung himself on a noose. He was going to get some booty. And not the silicone kind. No more sex toys. Real dick.
"Can we do it now." Rust asked.
"Um how bout we do it in the closet over there." Maxwell pointed to the storage room full of a bunch of shit.
"Ok! There is a table in there too." Rust jumped up and down which cause mexico to have an 8.3 earthquake.
"Why do we need a table?" Maxelwell said.
Rust chuckled and looked Maxwell straight in the eye.
"You'll see"