Chapter four

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I ran to my dorm, I slammed the door, I took a few deep breaths then I calmed down,
"Tori! Tori! What's wrong!," Clsudine jumped up panicking
"Alpha just grabbed my tail," I hissed. "Lets go give alpha a talking to," Claudine snarled her eyes changed and she grabbed my hand and stomped out, I was kinda scared of Claudine right now
Claudine walked up to a dorm and banged on the door.
Alpha opened it
"Ooh hi-,"
"Shut it! You grabbed Tori's tail? You deserve those scars on your face!," Claudine snarled
"Claudine," Alpga warned raising his hands
"Tori," Beta came to the door
"You! Leave her alone beta! If you leave her alone alpha will too!,'' Claudine shouted
Beta's eyes switched
"You can't tell me who I can and can't see! Or hang out with!,"
"Woah woah!," I rose my hands in fear "calm down everyone," I replied
"Okay," beta forced his eyes to switch. "Sorry Claudine, I over reacted," Alpha replied
"Sorry, I did too," Claudine sighed
I turned to leave,
"Tori," Beta replied
"I'll talk to you later," i started to walk away "come with me," I replied to Claudine
I went to go get Ms. Meow, after we got her, we went back to the dorm
"That was strange," I muttered.

It has been two weeks since the beginning of school, I've kept my distance from Beta, which I know is driving him crazy.
In science I've been sitting next to a girl named Lexa, a vampire, he growled whenever he comes in and Lexa is next to me,
One of the girls who sits behind me, talks to me often her name is Alexa.
One class she sat next to me and when Beta came in her eyes lit up and smiled "Do you think he has a mate?,"she asked
"No?," I replied
"He is hot," she mumbled
For some reason it really bothered me, "Why should I care if she likes him, go for it," I tried to tell myself but I almost growled when he sat behind me and Alexa got all excited and muttered
"I should of sat their this class, I could
of asked him out,"
I had to hold my tongue and stay calm.
One night I was walking with Ms. Meow outside I ran straight into Beta, I tried to run away and he grabbed my hand and brought me closer,
"Why are you avoiding me?, I thought we were friends," Beta asked
"Whenever I'm with you Alpha always comes by and makes it, you know,"
"Yes, yes I know," beta sighed.
We started to walk in the woods behind the school,
"Beta! Third!," I heard someone call. "Beta phased and ran away,
I started to follow him, without him knowing, they got to a clearing and I stayed in the bushes
I couldn't quite hear what they were saying, then I heard the word 'just a cat' I jumped forwards, I didn't know I could phase, but I did.
I phased into a tiger, I roared and everyone jumped
I paced up to Alpha.
"I hate you,'' I snarled
"I might hate you too," Alpha growled. Beta growled Alpha lowered his head ready for a fight and I lowered my head as well I took at threating step forwards. I rose my paw, Alpha jumped forwards shoving me over, I heard a howl and I saw Ms. Meow Howl and a wolf I'm guessing to be Claudine.
She froze, staring at Alpha she sniffed and came closer, she started to head for me, Beta growled and moved over top of me
"Mine," he snapped
Everyone stopped what they were doing.
"What!," Ms. Meow and alpha gasped "What?," I gasped
I phased and pushed him off of me, "I'm-I'm your m-mate? But h-how?,"
"I don't know, I'm just as confused as you." Beta admitted
I looked at Claudine, she was still frozen looking at Alpha.
"Claudine," I put my hand on her shoulder, she phased and we started to walk away,
"Mate!," I heard someone call,
I turned around seeing Alpha staring at Claudine
"Ha! I knew it!," I laughed
"No way," Howl growled "not even maybe!,"
"Suck it it dog," Alpha smiled walking up to Claudine he hugged her, she was still
"I-I c-can't b-be y-your m-mate," Claudine gasped
"it's true,"
Beta ran up to me and hugged me, '
"I knew it was you! Your sent smelled so good!," he kissed me and I started to purr quietly
"Okay I'll see you tomorrow," I walked away scooping up Ms. Meow on the way, when I got back to the dorm I curled up and started to calm down. "I'm mated to the beta?," I slowed my breathing and looked at ms. Meow "are you ready for being mated to a Beta," I asked
"I think I found my mate as well, I'm mad about it though,''
"What, who?," I asked
"it's Howl,"

Leave her alone BetaWhere stories live. Discover now