[Shemale] Lily x Gracelyn.

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[twin sister's girlfriend x shy other twin] - (mistaken identity, shower sex, etc.)

There was no one that Lily despised more than her twin sister, Delilah.

"Inseparable since birth," her mother used to say about her two twin daughters, Lily and Delilah.

Little did she know how they'd grown apart since their childhood.

When they'd gone into the same class in kindergarten, Delilah promised her mother that she would look out for her sister, Lily, but she never did.

While Lily stood at the back of the class with her lunchbox in hand during their lunch, Delilah was already sat at a table with her newly formed group of friends.

It was not a one-time occurrence where she felt excluded, there were plenty of other times.

"Isn't that your twin sister over there?"

"Oh, yeah,"

"What's wrong with her? She always sits alone."

"I don't know," The little girl shrugged as she took a bite of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

She glanced in the general direction of where her twin sister sat by herself in the corner of the room, her head leaning on her chin.

"Why can't she be more like you?"

"Olivia and Delilah, please be polite to the other students around you, this conversation is completely inappropriate."

"Sorry, Mrs. K." The girls muttered under the breath, the teacher fast approaching Lily.

"Lily, why don't you come join the rest of the class and sit here for lunch?"

Lily's hands started to tremble at the thought, her lip quivering. She dropped her lunchbox on the floor, the thud echoing against the vinyl flooring.

"Jeez, Lily, you need to walk faster or something. I swear, it's like you're a waste of space."

Bending down to grab her backpack from the floor, Lily looked up at the perpetrator, Stacy, her sister's most recent hook up. Without saying anything to defend her sister, Delilah laughed and walked passed her, her arm slung around Stacy's shoulder.

Lily sighed and rubbed her hands over her face as she started to pick up the items strewn all over the floor, "Bad day to leave my bag open, I guess."

One of her pink highlighters was moved into her peripheral vision making her focus on the person who held it out to her.

A girl with a sympathetic smile kneeled beside her offered her highlighter out to her.

"This yours?"

"Yeah, thanks." Lily swallowed hard and grabbed it apprehensively.

"No problem."

The girl grabbed some of the more out-of-reach items that were littered around the busy hallway before anyone could step on them.

Shoving as many random items into her bag as she possibly could, Lily huffed and pushed her messy hair behind her ear: "Thank you so much, I didn't think anyone would help."

She stood up slowly, fidgetting with the papers in her hand.

"It's no trouble, really, I was lost anyway. Now, I have a reason for being late to my fourth period."

"You're lost six weeks into the school years?"

"Yeah, I just transfered today actually and I have no idea where my next class is."

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