Chapter 2

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They looked partly human. One had a black ski mask with what I think was a red frowning face the other had a white mask with black fenime features. The one with the black mask had a orange hoodie that was covered in this dark red substance. The one with the white mask had a yellow sweatshirt and was covered in the exact same substance as well and that's all that I could make out since it was almost pitch black eight know. My breath hitched when I saw the substance pour out of a bag they were carrying and realized that this substance was.....


Oh my god, I was scared very scared I had just saw these people-I dont even know if they are people-walking in the woods with blood covered all over them this was fucking fucked up! The cold breeze passed by and suddenly I was faced to face with the white masked man it wasnt long after when I heard a loud gun shot. Looking down I saw blood....

Alot of blood.
I felt tears fall down my face and then black

Nothing but black

Pitch black darkness.

"Ngh" I groaned while sitting up putting most of my weight on my left arm. 'It all must have been a dream' I thought "SHIT!!!" I screamed falling out of the bed I was in "what the fuck is that!" I said soon after.
While getting up I stare at the man or thing in front of the door it looked like a faceless man literally it had no face and its skin color was a pale white. It was wearing a black and white suit when looking at it again I realized it was very tall it looked to be around seven to eight feet.
"Um... w-where am i? Who are you?" I managed to say not expecting I
to get an answer. 'I'm slenderman' he said his- I think it's a he-voice oddly sounded nice and soft, normal. Then he spoke again  'And where you are is not important. Now please do make yourself feel at home you will be staying here for quite some time.'

'Oh ok that's ni- wait! Did he just say I'm gonna stay here for some time!'

"Fuck" I muttered.


And done!

It's still some what short and crappy but I think it's still some what okay.

L.M is out

Stitches // creepypasta// Hoodie x my oc//OLD DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now