Goodbye, my love - Sophiana

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t.w. - death, violence

You know... I've been writing quite a bit of fluff recently. So I think it may just be time for a tragedy.... muahahahahahhaahahhahhahaha! Also, I am sooooo sorry I haven't written anything. I've been so busy because of finals and winter break and stuff... sorry.

Biana's beautiful eyes crinkled with joy, her contagious laughter filling the air. She had the most adorable mischievous look on her face: her head slightly turned, her eyes narrowed and joyful, one eyebrow raised, her mouth in a smirk. Sophie had foolishly challenged her to a tickle fight several moments prior, and the two girls were now lying on Sophie's canopied bed, their sides aching from laughter. Sophie rolled to face the beautiful girl next to her and their eyes locked. They closed the distance between them, and Sophie felt Biana's soft lips caress her own. After few moments of gently kissing, the two curled up together for the night and quickly fell asleep, entangled in each other's arms.

A tear slipped down Sophie's cheek as the memory played in her mind. It was one of the many nights they spent together - one of the first in their relationship. So many hours they'd spent laughing and loving each other. So many beautiful days together in their relationship... but it wasn't enough. With this thought, another, more recent memory forced its way into Sophie's thoughts.

It was only two nights before that the Neverseen last attacked. They appeared at Havenfield, trying to get to the alicorns again. With their recent defeats, the rebel group were becoming more desperate in their raids; more desperate, and more dangerous. 

Sophie and Biana we're sitting beneath Calla's Panakes when they heard Silveny shriek in fear. They ran for the cliffside pasture, where Silveny, Greyfell, and the twins liked to spend their nights. Sophie grabbed Biana's hand and allowed the rush from their sprint to push them into the void. They emerged to a terrifying sight. 

Two figures in black cloaks stood in the pasture, attempting to rope in Wynn and Luna.  A third figure lay motionless on the ground while Greyfell bit and stomped him. Silveny was laying motionless on the far side of the pasture, a lei of dreamlillies around her neck. Sophie screamed, causing the figures to turn and throw back the hoods of their black cloaks. Biana's hand tightened around her own as they recognized the figures: Lady Gisela, with her hair immaculately styled as always; and Vespera, her ghostly pale skin and white gown under the cloak bright in the darkness. 

Gisela spoke. "Well, well, well. What have we here? The moonlark and her little girlfriend? Really, Sophie, you could do so much better. And where are your loyal bodyguards? Are you honestly going to try to take us on with only you two?" Her form was wraithlike in the misty darkness.

Biana stepped forward, her face cold and regal. The scars on her face glowed in the moonlight. She held a goblin throwing star poised to throw. "Step away from the alicorns, and I won't have to use this," She warned them. Gisela tilted her head, an amused look on her face. 

"My, the dark side your family has! Alvar joining our cause, Fitz prepared to kill his own blood, and now you!" She laughed, her clear, almost joyful voice a bitter contrast to the writhing baby alicorn in her arms. 

"Why are you trying to take the alicorns AGAIN? Don't you have more original evil schemes to carry out?" Sophie asked, channeling Keefe. 

"If we've done this so many times, why haven't you found a way to protect them?" Vespera questioned, speaking up for the first time. Sophie swallowed, refusing to feel guilty. They had done their best.

"Besides, why are we the evil ones? Your creators are trying to solve the same problems, so why aren't they "evil" as you put it?" Gisela added.

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