Chapter Two

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Noo this cant be happing. Not this early in the morning. I keep walking faster until i notice... Jack j , Matt, Carter, Shawn, Nash, Taylor, Aaron, Cameron and the one i least wanted to see Jack Gilinsky.

I walk faster and faster trying to get away from all of them. I can almost see the front of the school when they pull up to me.

"Hey---Helen! Thats your name right?" Cameron asks
"Noo first of all, my name is Megan get it right and second of all, what do you want?" I say in a harsh tone.
"Well i see you dont want a ride?" Matt says.
"Well I guess i dont, thankyou very much."

And with that they left. By the time i reach school im already frustrated by those guys. I walk to my homeroom and sit down. The bell rings just in time and then everybody comes rushing in.

Melanie's P.O.V

I see Meg sitting in the back like always as i walk into the class. I wave to her and she forces a little smile to show. I know something is bothering her because of the way she sits with her hand holding her head up. I take a seat to her left and notice that she is doodleing on the desk.

"Dude whats wrong with you?" I ask her.
"Nothing why." Meg huffs back.
"Stop lying. I know something is wrong. I've known you since 2nd grade. Please tell me." I beg to her.
"Fine you know those Magcon boys... well i saw them driving to school this moring and asked me for a ride." She stated
"Whats the big deal." I laugh at the fact that they only wanted to drive her to school.
"Well the big deal was that Jack Gilinsky was in the car with them. You know that i dont like him... plus the other guys since the party incident." She says.
"Oh ya thats right but---"

Our teacher walks in and introduces herself in front of the class. She talks for at least 30 minutes and takes the attendance.










"Who are you sir?" She asks
"Jack. Jack Gilinsky." He says

"Oh crap!" I say.

Meg's head shoots up to who im refering to and her face turns from bored to furious.

Megan's P.O.V

"Oh crap!" Melanie says under her breath. My head shoots up to see what she was talking about until I saw Gilinsky. I hate him so much and his other friends.

"Why is he in our homeroom. Please be in the wrong class, please be in the wrong class."

While i was talking to myself we made eye contact. I felt his dark brown eyes burn a whole through my body. I didnt know what to do. I was frozen. His eyes reminded me of everything we've been through.


I remember this very moment as if it was yesterday.... It was the end of sophomore year and there was a party that everybody was going to. I was never a fan of parties until i met Jack in the beginning of the semester. I wouldnt have gone and got hurt the way i did if it wasnt for him.

"Come on meg... its going to be fun." Jack said.
"I dont know... im just gonna go home but have fun."
"Come on it's just a little party. Theres nothing to be afraid of." Jack said as he put his hand on my cheek.
"Fine... but whos going and can i invite Melanie?" i let out a laugh.
"Um sure. But i dont know whos going." He said in hesitation.
"Are you okay." I ask in a worried tone.
"Yah just... yah im fine." He said as he turned around.
"Okay..." i said
"Um ill pick you up around 8:30 and 9." Jack said breaking up the silence.
"Sure see you then." I said as i kissed his cheek.

I should of said no but i trusted him so much that i wasnt thinking clearly. Jack and i were close friends, but not as close as the friendship i have with Melanie and Hayes. I'm pretty sure we both liked eachother but i had to make sure. After i kissed his cheek i said bye and started to walk home. I was texting Melanie on the way and she said yes. I was glad she was going because i wouldnt be alone. I fianally reached my house. I called my mom to ask if i can go and she said yes since she knew Jack. I picked a black dress and dark grey converse to go with the look. I normally get dressed more formal but since it was a little party there was now way of wasting my time to impress other people. I checked my phone and it was 6:30. I took a shower and put everything on. This time i put mascara and winged my eyeliner to finish it off. I let my hair air dry to get me natural waves. I check my phone and it was already 8, so i decided to head downstairs and wait for him.

The doorbell rang and i got up to answer it. I opened the door and there stood Jack. His face lit up. He looked at me in awe. Every facial feature he had was perfect. Even his eyebrows. He snaped me out of my thoughts when he kissed me on the cheek. I knew i started to blush. I was turning red like a freaking tomato. I was really embarrased.

"Hey are you ready to go?" Jack asked.
"Ya I'm ready." I said.

I tried keeping my smile in but i let it go. I was smiling like an idiot. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. And led me to the car.

*skip car ride*

We got there and the house was huge. I was about to get out of the car right when Jack opened the door. He held out his hand and i grabbed it. We reached the front of the door and there were lights flashing everywhere. He grabbed my waist tightly and moved our way to the little bar. Since i dont drink i got a bottle of water and poured it in a cup to look like one of the alcohols. Most of the people were drunk, so they wouldn't have known. Jack left with the rest of the boys while i was taking to a couple of friends. I saw Melanie walk in.

"Melanie!!!" I tried to scream over the music. Lucky she looked around and made eye contact. I was suprised when she heard me and came over.
"Hey, what are you drinking?" She asks.
"Water. " i say. She then does the same as i did.
"Hey you loo---" She was interrupted by a kiss.
"Hayes!" She said and hugged him
"Hey babe, you look amazing." Hayes screamed over the music. He went behind her and rested his chin on her shoulder.
"Oh sorry Meg... didn't see you there." Hayes smirked while kissing her neck.
"Sure... im going to use the bathroom." I yelled.

They didn't notice because they were too busy eating eachothers faces. I reached the bathroom and went in. When i was done i walked out and somebody grabbed me by the waist. I was trying to get away. I was kicking and fighting my way out of their arms but gave up so I just decided to scream. I kept screaming but they covered my mouth. They dragged me to a room and let go.

"What the hell... who are you?" I asked catching my breath.
"It okay it just me." The person says.
"That doesn't help. I can't even see you." I said. The tall figure came closer and it was Jack. He grabbed my waist, pulled me closer and kissed me on the lips. I was taken back at first but just went with it. Jack was becoming more violent throught out the kiss. All of a sudden it hit me. He was drunk. I was telling him to stop but he wouldn't. Everytime i would part away he would push himself towards me. I new there was no way of getting out of his grip. I could smell the alcohols scent from him mouth. He got off me and started to take his shirt off . I took this chance and ran out of tbe room. Everybody was looking at. I looked like a mess. My make up smeared, my hair was messy and i had tears streaming down my face. I didnt care about anything at this point. I was running away not caring which direction i was going in. I just wanted to get away from Jack.

End of Flashback

When I was thinking when Jack interrupted my thoughts.

"What did you say?" I questioned.
"I said is this seat taken." He said with attitude.
"Why can't you just pick another seat." I responded with sass.
"There is no other seat you retard." He lightly screamed.
"Fine... but don't talk to me." I said.
"Wasn't planning to." He snapped.

Then with that awkward conversation, that period begun.

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