°Chapter 1

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"Don't fucking touch me"I said while pushing his hand away from me

"Jinsu,it was always just for the company,we had nothing going on"he backed off and walked back into the apartment that his lover was in

I walked and walked and walked ...

I stopped at a bar for a moment

"Give me one apple juice"I said to the bartender but he looked confused

"Ma'am this is a bar the market is three blocks away"

"Yah just give me fucking apple juice,I have three kids waiting at home"I warned him and he went to the back and brought me the apple juice

I walked out of the bar and started walking home,but the suddenly grabbed onto me trying to steal the bag out of my hand but I kicked him away from me

"Do you know who I am"I asked and walked on since I don't have time for this shit

"Yah Jinsu,Eunwoo said he'll come for his child"he said and that made me run like crazy

I got home and saw all three Haneul, Wooyoung and Seohyun sitting on the couch tugged under the blanket watching Coco

I ran over to them and hugged them

"Are you okay"I asked and haneul touched my face

"Eomma were you running"he asked and I noticed that I was drenched in sweat

"Seohyun you'll be safe with me okay"I said as I looked at her,she looked exactly like her mother

"Eomma did you get the juice"Haneul asked

"Did you take good care of them"I asked him

"Eomma I changed the diapers fed them and bathe them now can I have my apple juice"he said and I gave him the apple juice

"Look at how cute you are,your  mother doesn't even look after your pretty face all she cares about is herself"I looked at Seohyun and she just kept on smiling

The door bell rang and haneul went silent since we never have visitors he put both Seohyun and Wooyoung in his arms and ran upstairs,I immediately took the gun from the drawer near the door and the person started banging on the door

"JINSU,JINSU I KNOW YOU IN THERE"the voice spoke but it sound familiar

I kept the gun infront of me holding it to the door and slowly opening it the the person pushed the door so hard it made me fell to the floor

"Ye-ji"I said

"Jinsu I'm in trouble"

"Look Ye-ji I can't afford to start a war"

"It's Eunwoo"she said and my face suddenly froze

We sat at the table and drank coffee

"What does Eunwoo want"I asked her and she put the mug down

"He wants our sons"she said

"Did you tell him haneul is with me"I asked and she shook her head

"He doesn't know yet,he still thinks I'm raising haneul but I'm warning you already Eunwoo has spies everywhere so don't trust anyone not even the people closest to you"

"But how did he find you,didn't you go overseas"I asked

"Once I got to the airport,I was dragged out of the airport by some guys and Eunwoo held me hostage for a couple of days,he let go of me since he new I wasn't going to speak, I've been looking for you for almost two years now"

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