°Chapter 2

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Jinsu pov ...

I got excited when I heard haneul would return after almost 4 years

"SEOHYUN,HANEUL IS COMING HOME"I shouted from my room to her's

"Really?"she said and she started basically fangirling

I knew how much this meant to Seohyun since she grew really close to Haneul as well and haneul was the only one to control her temper

A knock came from the door and I immediately ran to the door and saw haneul with some girl

"Who's this"I asked him and all I could see was that he had such an face that I haven't seen in ages his inlove

"Eomma I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Ji-hyo, she's from China but her parents are from Korea"He explained but I kind of found it suspicious that he'd just show up with some girl

"So did you invite her so that you could ask for my blessings"

"Eomma"he said out of embarrassment and I just pulled his cheeks

"So cute"

Then at that moment Seohyun came running to haneul and giving him hugs not noticing there was a girl

"Yah Seohyun you have a guest"

"Oh hi who are you"she asked and the girl answered bravely

"I'm Haneul's girlfriend Ji-hyo"she said shaking her hand but Seohyun pulled away immediately

"We only met I think it's kind of rude to be so upfront"She said and ran off but I could tell that she was hurt because out knowhere her brother shows up with a girlfriend and not telling her

"Just go after her I'll look after Ji-hyo,you know how long she's been waiting for you"I said and he followed after her

I looked at her and she didn't budge or feel uncomfortable

"I like you, Ji-hyo but I'm not the person you should try to please you know right"I told her and she looked confused

"I'm not Haneul's biological mother,but don't take it the wrong way haneul and his mother aren't really on talking terms that's why he haven't spoken much about her"

"Well it doesn't really matter,it was his choice and I guess he did it so that I don't have to worry"she said and I liked the way she spoke with confidence but her confidence won't last long since Ye-ji will be arriving soon

"Well don't just stand there,sit at the table and make yourself comfortable"

She walked in and i saw haneul speaking to seohyun,I walked over to him

"Haneul,Ye-ji will be arriving soon so I hope you welcome her"I said and I saw how his face immediately changed

"Why is she coming"

"You've been gone for almost 4 years,how can she not worry"

The food was prepared and all we were waiting for was Ye-ji to arrive,I heard a knock from the door and immediately opened it and my face immediately dropped

"What are you doing here"

"We came to welcome haneul it's been 4 years and his basically family to us"Ji-eun said while holding onto Vernon's arm

They entered and sat down at the table comfortably not long after,Ye-ji arrived to

I hugged her immediately and welcomed her into the house

"Where did you by this coat  though,it suits you"I complimented her and one of the maids took the coat from her and she immediately walked over to the table

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