Hornet X Reader

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W049: Alright! Let's do this!


After that knight defeated you and left, you went to a strange place called Kingdoms edge. You killed off a few bugs from your nail, you were a bit injured but you managed to make your way to a bench.

You stare at the map and continue making your way around the place. You were too busy staring at the map that you didn't notice the small knight walking towards you. They sat beside you and rested a bit.

"Greetings Knight, I see you seek for a challenge here as do I." You put away your map and you stare down at the small knight.

"I've come to get something I need, it's very important. Maybe you can join me by finding it with me?" The small knight asked as he cleans his nail.

"I only come for a challenge." You huffed, the knight stare up at you. "There will be a challenge if you join me, this mission alone is dangerous for I."

"How so?"

"There's a bug guarding from what I need, maybe with your strength and intelligence combined with mine we can defeat her together, what do you say?" They held out their small hand.

"And what do I get in return?" You asked, you can tell the knight thought for second before speaking again.

"9,000 geo's will be your prize if you help me. It'll be enough to get you a new nail." They answered, you took their hand and shook it.

"You better collect a good amount of geo's for me." You said, you got up and grab your nail, "Now let's get this over with so I can fight you once again with my new nail."

The knight nodded and they got off the bench, they then start to walk off. You start to follow them.


You were fighting a bug named Hornet, and the knight was keeping her distracted while you attack from behind.

The knight was hit by her needle and she soon found you behind her. She threw her nail at you which you dodged. You dash towards and slash her, she fell and took a moment to get up and fight again. The knight recovered and joined beside you. You both slash at her at the sametime and she finally stayed down.

"Thank you Y/n." They were about to leave before you stop them. "What about my geo's?"

They look at you and nodded, they gave you 9,000 geo's. You took it stuff it away.

"I'll be back, I hope you'll still be here Y/n." They then left you with the bug you both defeated. You walk over to her and sat beside her.

"Y/n right?" She asked as she looks over at you, you nodded in response. "Then I guess Ghost already told you who I am."

"Your Hornet, your their sibling... well half sibling. They're a strange bug aren't they?"

Hornet nodded, "Their only mission is to stop the infection that clouds the kingdom deeply. Once they do their job is done and the kingdom is free at last."

"Well I'm hoping to fight them one last time. They've grown strong from the last time we fought." You got up and dust yourself.

Hornet got up as well, "I shall go check on Ghost, I hope we meet again Y/n."

"I hope so too Hornet, it was nice talking to you."

Hornet soon left, and after she did you left too. You headed your way to the city of tears to upgrade your nail so you can fight the small knight and maybe Hornet as well. She did seem interesting to you.

W049: And I'm actually fighting Hornet at Kingdoms edge ;-;

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