Chapter 5: Lance's unhappy family trip

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(Lance's Pov)

   I woke up this morning and rushed to get dressed and ready to see Zack my team was also getting ready and left our dorm to get something to make Zack feel better when we ran into team CRDL "well,well,well if it isn't the master and his pets" Caridn said "Hey wheres the other one-Oh that's right little monkey died"Dove said as they all laughed "Shut up"I said "is the little slave talking up" Cardin said pulling out his mace "Mr.winchester please go to professor Ozpins office"Glynda said "tch,fine"Cardin said "thank you miss Goodwitch "my pleasure" Glynda said "So what kind of food are we getting him"Rosy asked "well we have to know if hes awake yet" Glynda said the four then went on a bullhead and they waited to get  to the vale hospital after a half hour to get to the hospital. eventually we landed and got off the bullhead and walked in the hospital and Glynda went to the receptionists desk "Hello how may I help you"The receptionists asked "i'm looking for Zack Brawen"Glynda said "Lets see... Ah r, by the way he just got out of surgery so he may be angry"The receptionists said "HM,how"Glynda said "well one of the doctors metioned one of our many a freezers and he began to freak out and tried to get up the heavely druged him,but even then he was almost able to stand and his hair started to flicker gold" The receptionist said Glynda nodded and noded and went over to the three "His room is 404 and be carful"Glynda said then the three walked to the elevator and while Glynda made a call "Heh,room 404 not found"i said getting a laugh out of the two "Yeah hope he's alright"(Y/N) said "yeah" Rosy said tapping her to fingers together then the elevator and went and looked for room 404 "Let's see 399,401,402,403, Ah room 404"I said we opened the door to see Zack staring out the window He heard the door open and turned around "Hey hows everything" Zack said we didn't say anything "you guys okay"Zack asked concerned again no one said anything "G-guys you okay you're really worrying me"Zack asked shaking us "You idiot"Rosy said punching him in the gut "Do you relies how scared we were!"I yelled "We thought you were going to die and when we see you all you say is 'how's everything' HOW'S EVERYTHING" (Y/N) yelled Zack took a closer look and saw tears in all three of there eyes and Rosy straight up broke down in tears and started to punch him (knowing it wouldn't hurt him) "G-guys i'm so sorry" zack said " I shouldn't of scared you like that".

The teams RWBY,JPNR,1/3 of STRQ and professor Ozpin and Goodwitch came in and saw them like this "You guys okay"Phyraa asked with concern "sniff* yeah"Rosy said "yeah i'm sorry for any worry I caused"Zack said while Rosy kept punching him "N-no i's- just don't do it again"Summer said "why do I feel like i'm gonna get chewed by all of you" Zack said "Because you are" everyone exept Tai,Qrow,ruby, and yang said "Please no"Zack said

Hours later No ones pov

Lance and Blake left the room while Zack was being yelled at left and right so was Ozpin. "So what do you want"Lance said "we want a chance to have our brother back"Blake said "alright A chance you mess this up and I'll end all of you got it"Lance said "R-really i'll tell mom and dad and we'll get ready"Blake said exility and getting out her scroll and walking to a different room and calling them "Mom he said yes" Blake said excitedly "Oh,Blake he's suppose yo propose to you"Kali said "n-no not Lance" Blake said "Really" Kali said "Ghira Lance said yes"Kali yelled at Ghira "R-really" He said"erik get you're little brother ready " "Alright" Erick said 

 "So what do you want"Lance said "we want a chance to have our brother back"Blake said "alright A chance you mess this up and I'll end all of you got it"Lance said "R-really i'll tell mom and dad and we'll get ready"Blake said exility and getting ...

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Tyson Blakes baby brother

"wake up sweetie" Kali said as Tyson woke up he wasn't happy that he needs to wake up and put on clothes and had to leave "I know I know" Kali said after they were ready they went to pick up Blake and Lance "So whats happen since I've left" Lance asked "well mom kept shaving cats because of how much she missed you then had another child, but was still depressed you were gone"Blake said "Shaved cats"Lance said "Y-yeah"Blake said "Lance there you" Kali said then she hugged him till he couldn't breath "can't breath" Lance said "S-sorryKali said "well ready" Ghira said "yeah one moment"Lance said. He poked his head in the room and said "Hey i'm going out with THEM"Lance said "I'm going with him"Jaune said "Alright" Lance said then they with Lances old family walked out of the hospital and went to a restaurant "Hello how many are you" the waitress asked "Six" Ghira said then she lead them to a booth and sat them down some time passes and theres defenitly something in the air "so uh do you have a girlfriend" Kali asked "Nope you shave another cats" Lance said "Lance uh so hows you and your team doing" Ghira said "Were ok one of them is in the hospital and were going on a mission tomorrow a dangerous mission" Lance said with a smirk "A-are you sure you three can handle it" Kali said with fear in her voice "Don't worry I'll go with him" Blake said "Don't worry Zack will be find" Jaune said "and if he isn't n-not that I'm saying anything bad ,but if there were something bad to happen to him how about go with your brother Erik" Ghria said sweating bullets " Ah you mean master"Lance said they all went quiet until Blake said "B-brother I-I i'm s-so sorry for e-everything we've done I-I can't sleep at night with knowing you hate me I just want to start over" Blake said. Lance sat there then said "alright tomorrow i'll start treating you like family if and only if you yell Ozpin everything" Lance said "Really" Kali said "Really" Lance said "UHH, five minutes with my brother" Jaune said "Of course" Ghira said then jaune dragged lance to the mens room "a-are you serious"Jaune whispered "sigh* Yes"Lance said "a-alright"Jaune said 'huh, Blake slept real nice with me last night so why lie'Erik thought

Then they walked back to the table waited for the check and left

Lance went back to his dorm and saw all his team members in there pajamas "Hey Lance"Zack said "Hey Zack you're fine" Lance said staring at his golden hair Lance looked of to the right and saw (Y/N) mouth say nothing "Yeah they got me all fixed up and ready and I wasn't that hurt" Zack said bragging "Zack said then he felt a whole bunch of eyes on him"So lets go to bed"Zack said nervously laughing

(End of Chapter 5)(Sorry if not that interesting)

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