Bye, bye, bye || Part-2

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They arrived at the cemetery around mid-day. It looked pretty unspectacular for possibly being a portal into the underworld. Or, at least, Hope thought so. Some of the crescent wolves did a quick perimeter check of the area, while the rest of them had a short strategy session ensuring that everyone knew their roles.

"Alright. When everyone gets into place, I'll use a cloaking spell so we don't terrify any tourists." Freya stated as the group walked toward the front gate.

"Landon, you're lead on this. We're hoping that Persephone at least gives us a small signal that we're in the right place." Hope told him. "Josie, Lizzie, Penelope and I plan to follow you inside if you're able to find an entrance. And if we're able to actually enter."

"MG, Kaleb, Jed, Raf, Marcel and're with me. We've got guard duty. We're the last line of defense before anyone reaches those girls. They're counting on us." Caroline told them.

MG smiled at the girls. "Don't worry, we've got you."

Hope smiled back.

"All witches will stay close to the twins in case they need to draw our power from us." Vincent told his group of witches.

Davina and Freya nodded resolutely and shared a resolute look with Hope. Hope nodded back at them in thanks and in solidarity.

"And the rest of us are on monster duty. Kill anything and everything you see." Alaric told the others.

Hope took a deep breath and exhaled with determination. "Pretty sure as soon as the cloaking spell is triggered, any monster within range of here as heading our way." She glanced at Josie. "And as soon as we open a gate to the underworld...every monster we ever killed will be out to get us."

Josie met her eyes. "But we've got this."

"Damn straight." Hope smiled, even though she was terrified about the outcome.

With that, they broke off into their designated groups as Freya prepared to cast the cloaking spell. Hope and her pack followed Landon through the cemetery.

"Feel anything?" She asked him impatiently.

"I'm worried this might be a colossal waste of time. I don't have powers. I'm just...I'm human. I'm not some demigod hero." He muttered until he stopped mid-step and stared wide eyed. "Pretty sure we're here, actually."

The ground started to shake beneath them. There was a tomb in front of them whose door swung open violently and a bright light poured out of it. The entire sky grew dark and the air chilled. It reminded Hope entirely of Persephone's grand entrance, except this time the bone tingling dread set in. It wasn't the unexpected or pure godly power like last time. This was evil. Unadulterated. And it smelled of death. Death, decay and despair.

"Yup, that's got to be the underworld." Penelope whispered from beside her. "It smells how I would imagine it."

Lizzie frowned. "And Persephone...she's trapped there. That's her life."

Hope's heart melted for Lizzie's concern and empathy. She truly was too pure for this world. It was what made her most like Josie. It was the part of her that few people were blessed enough to witness.

"We save the world first...then we'll worry about saving her." Hope told her sincerely.

Lizzie nodded. "Just as long as we do both."

" we go inside?" Josie wondered out loud.

"God, I hope we don't actually have to." Penelope answered and Hope nodded her head in agreement.

Maybe, Someday (Hosie, Legacies)Where stories live. Discover now