What I've Become...

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WARNING: There are moments of physical violence and torture. If you are sensitive to these things stop reading IF you need to!

"Hey!" An unknown voice said.

I heard a faint voice in the distance.

"Experiment 135! Get up!" The unknown voice said.

It became more clear as I became more awake.

"Uh.... Yes?" I responded.

"It's time for more of your tests! Dr. Sewered needs you to be in the lab room." The unknown voice declared.

"Ok." I said. The cellar door opened. There stood the security guard at the door.

"C'mon. Dr. Sewered is waiting." He said.

"No! Don't take her! She doesn't need anymore of your tests!" Orin yelled.

"Shut up! You are not involved!" The security guard yelled.

"I don't care! Don't take her! She had enough!" Orin yelled back. Orin's cellar door opened. A guard came in and dragged Orin out of his cellar. The security guard drags me out of my cellar. I see Orin get dragged through the hallway. I began to struggle. I tried to get free. I turned around and saw that Orin was out of sight. I began to scream.

"Let go of me!! Let go of me!!" I screamed. I thrashed around trying to get free so I could save Orin. The security guard tightened his grip and tried to make me stop moving. My entire body began to turn and shift. My gown began to rip and fall, my body began to grow taller, my face grew longer, my arms and legs became long, my hands turned into claws, my eyes began to turn bright red, and my skin began to liquefy and drip. The security guard froze in terror.

"What kind of creature did the doctor make?!?" The security guard yelled out. My mouth opened. My mouth split into four sections causing my mouth to look like it had four jaws that are formed into a circle. I jerked my head forward causing it to go around the security guard's head. He began to scream. I bite down and ripped his head off. I swallowed his head whole. The security guard fell to the ground and he laid limp. I turned around and I ran straight for the guard that took Orin. I smelled the air and picked up Orin's scent. I ran towards the path that had his scent. I saw him get dragged in another room. The door shut and the door became locked. I began to hear struggling, yelling, and fear. I ran for the door. I burst through the door and roared a distorted gurgling roar. I grabbed a hold of his arms and legs. I pulled as hard as I could. I roared as loud as I could. I managed to rip the guard in half.

"Enough. Is enough. We need to get everyone out of here." I said. My voice was deep and distorted.

"Ok. We will need the keys for all of the cellars." He said.

"Ok. I will help you kill every guard in this floor and get the keys." I offered. Orin nodded. We walked out of the room. I looked around to make sure the path was clear so we could move. I started to walk forward and a guard ran towards me. I began run towards him. He stopped, turned around, and ran. I picked up my speed. I gabbed my hand into his back. My hand came out of his stomach. I pulled back. My hand was covered in his blood. A few chunks of organs laid on my hand. I licked the blood and organ chunks off of my hand.

"Mmm. Delicious." I said smirking. I started to run around looking for other guards to kill. I managed to find a guard that had the keys to all of the cellars. I killed the guard and took the keys. I than gave the keys to Orin. "Here." I said. "Go around and unlock all of the cellars. I will go around and make sure all of the guards on this floor are killed. Also I need to find my clothes." I said. Orin nodded. I ran around to make sure that all of the guards on this floor were killed. I killed a few more guards that I missed. I looked around for a room that had my clothes in it. I came across a room that said on the very top, 'Clothing Room.' I walked in and found a chest that had 'Experiment 135' in bold on it. I turned back to my human form. I then changed into my clothes. I ran back to Orin. I came back to see that all of the cellar doors were open, and every single being were free. "Is that all of them?" I asked. Orin nodded. "Good. Go ahead and get out off here." I demanded.

"Wait! Jaden! Come with us!" Orin insisted.

"I need to do something real quick. Before you go here take this with you." I instructed. I gave him a large knife that I found in the clothing room.

"What's this for?" He questioned.

"To protect yourself." I replied. Orin nodded. He and all of the other beings began to walk for the stairs so they could escape the facility.

"Orin." I called out. Orin turned around.

"I'm no longer Jaden." I explained.

"Then what are you?" Orin asked.

"I'm Jade the Shadow Lurker." I explained.

"Ok." Orin said.

"Just remember. It lurks in the shadows." I said. I turned into the air and disappeared.

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