The Valentine Succubus (A Vampire Diaries Fanfic)

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The road in front of me was pitch black, my headlights being the only thing to light my way. Looking down at my radio, I relaxed seeing it was only 7:34 and remembering my gig wasn’t for the next two hours. I’ll make it into town in the next twenty minutes. Sighing, I turned the radio up, listening to the overly played pop song.

Just as I was turning the corner that would lead me into town, I saw something ahead…a deer? No…its laying in the street…my heart leaped realizing it wasn’t an animal; it’s a person lying in the God forsaken street! Stomping my foot down on the brakes I swerved softly to the right and stopped right infront of the body. My heart hammering in my rib cage, I climbed out stumbling over to the body…of a man.

“Sir…? Sir, are you all right?” I called softly, hoping to God he was alive.

Seeing his profile in the light of my headlights I noticed just how handsome he is. Broad cheek bones, moppy black hair with bangs sticking to his flawless forehead.

He opened his eyes which I noticed right away were a brilliant light green and he smiled up at me.

“Doing just fine.” His voice was low but smooth like milk chocolate.

I breathed a loud sigh of relief.

“Thank fucking God! You know its not the best idea to lay in the middle of the street. I could have flattened your dumb ass.” I said, irritation relevant.

His eyebrows rose, obviously surprised by my blunt cursing. He lifted up a glass bottle and I had to squint my eyes to see the copper liquid inside. Whiskey.

“You know you could do that in a bar. I’m heading to one right now, if you’d like a ride.”

He smirked coyly, obviously amused.

“You’d invite a complete stranger into your car?” he asked.

I shrugged and sat down, lying down on the concrete road next to him. He looked at me, amusement dancing in his light green eyes.

“It seems like you’re smarter than any other hobo in the street. You having an issue?” I asked staring up at the clouds and stars. What a pretty sky…

“And if I am?”

I pretended to look down at an imaginary watch on my wrist then looked up and smiled at him.

“I’ve got time. When you’re done and have it out of your system, I’ll drive you down to The Grill.”

He seemed to be thinking about that, before nodding.

“I’m in love with a girl I don’t deserve.”

I nodded.  Lucky girl, he’s quite the catch in my opinion.

“Why do you feel you don’t deserve her?”

He took a long swig of his whiskey, offered it to me then shrugged when I shook my head.

“Because she’s in love with my brother. I’m a monster… she hates me.”

I noticeably winced. That’s gotta suck…

“Ouch. That’s no good. Why do you think of yourself a monster?” I looked to the side, looking to see him staring at me.

“I’ve killed a lot of people. Still do.” He said, watching for my reaction.

My eyebrows knotted together.

“May I touch you?”

He looked put off by my question then nodded, eyes narrowed in suspicion. I rose my hand up and softly touched his cold cheek, feeling a strong electrical shock that left the taste of pine on the back of my tongue. Vampire.

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