The Valentine Succubus (A Vampire Diaries Fanfic) Chapter 2

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Yawning, I fell back onto my bed, breathing in the classic hotel room stench consisting of cleaning supplies and cheap perfume.  I can’t stay here forever, and if those vampires don’t give me too much trouble, I should find a permanent residence.

After a warm shower I wrapped a fluffy white towel around my form and strolled back into my hotel room; to see Damon standing casually by the window sill, arms crossed and jaw set.

“Knock much?”

He just scoffed, chuckling darkly.

“I’d like some answers; I’m here to get them no matter what. Forgive me for not giving you a chance to slam a door in my face.” He said rolling his eyes.

Nodding, I smirked, letting a sharp canine press against my bottom lip.

“What would you like to know, Mr. Salvatore?” I purred, letting my natural behavior shine through.

He struggled to say what he wanted; his face forming a pained expression as if seeing me gave him physical pain.

“I’d rather ask once you put some clothes on…”

Oh I see now… I never turned off my ‘special pheromones’ that draw any male creature to me. Lust, love, and passion. That’s what they see when they see me.

“Why? I’m quite comfortable and you came uninvited into my room…Wait a second, how did you get in here without me inviting you?” I asked curiously.

He should be on the ground in pain right now, but he stands in front of me, unaffected.

“The hotel manager is the one who holds the master key and it was easy to influence him into inviting me in and giving me a backup key.”

To prove what he said, he held up a little silver key between his fingers. I rolled my eyes; humans.

“Bet you just love getting your way, don’t you?” I said sarcastically.

He just glared at me and suddenly a new emotion was evident as he breathed in deeply. Something almost feral crossed his face and suddenly I was pinned against the wall next to the bathroom, his hands flat on the wall at both sides of my head.

“Oh, I love getting my way, but with you it doesn’t seem I have any control. I’ve never met a succubus before…” he whispered, breathing labored as he sniffed my neck then my hair.

I stayed calm, not moving besides lifting my head up to look at his face- and what a sculpted face it is. Luminous green orbs stared back at me, hazy with lust, but he was fighting himself. I longed to savagely graze my teeth across his jaw, but held myself in check.

“No? Well, lesson number one; we have control, baby.”

Before he processed what I said, I pushed him back so he fell back on the ground, sitting up on his elbows to gaze up at me.  

“You sure you want to play this game, Vampire? Whatever happened to that girl you were so in love with?”

As much as I wanted to jump him, I knew I’d regret it later if I lost this handsome man after the afterglow.  His eyes widened a bit and he shook his head, shoeing away some mental battle he seemed to be in the middle of.

“She doesn’t love me…she would never give up my brother. He got her first; maybe it’s time for me to finally realize that.” He said, but it was uncertain.

I could tell by his tone that he didn’t believe himself; he was saying it just to hear it said out loud.

Sighing, I held my hand out for him. He took it looking quizzical and obvious disappointment at the seemingly lost opportunity.

“Damon, don’t jump into something you aren’t ready for. All you would be doing is hurting yourself and this girl.”

Pulling him to his feet, I went into the bathroom and changed into a long black t-shirt then walked back out to see him sitting on the end of my bed, his head in his hands. Now that I have my senses together, I notice his shaggy black hair and his black jeans that fit him perfectly matching with a black v-neck and leather jacket.

I sat down next to him, lightly rubbing his arm. He didn’t move away from me or move to stop my attempt to comfort him, but instead leaned closer.

“I assume it isn’t often you show your soft side to others?” I mumbled, trying for humor.

He chuckled warily and nodded.

“No, I don’t. If people see good they expect it.”

I nodded, understanding.

“That’s why I don’t stay in one place for too long. I’m not human and when I get too close to people I always end up hurting them somehow… I guess we’re in the same boat, Damon.” I said chuckling softly.

He leaned back from me and sighed, running his hand through his black tossled hair. I’d like to run my fingers through those messy locks…

I stood up, trying to keep myself from jumping this man and jeopardizing his potential relationship. Instead I sat on the small wooden table across from the bed where little flyers for the hotel room service sat nicely.

“So, what did you want to figure out, Damon? I have nothing to hide.”

He nodded and breathed in deeply.

“Obviously, I know what a Succubus is and kind of know what they are, but you mind explaining? I’m just going by what I know from stories.”

I nodded and tapped my chin. How much should I tell this stranger?

“My name is Lucy Valentine; I was born about one-hundred years ago. Succubuses are immortal just as vampires, but we live off the souls of human men.  If we go so long without feeding, we turn into nothing.” I said softly.

His eyebrows shot up.

“Does that mean when you sleep with a man you kill them?”

“No, not necessarily. We have the gift of seduction so we can reduce men into nothing, but horny creatures. Then we take their souls.” I snapped my fingers to emphasize my point.

He nodded slowly, absorbing the new information slowly.

“What about you? You don’t seem like the type…”

I shook my head and crossed my newly shaven legs.

“I don’t like stealing other’s souls…it’s inhuman. Evil, even. I can go a couple years without feeding, but I’ve taught myself to notice the signs to when I need to feed next and when I do; I go to a hospital. Take the soul of a male on the edge of death.” I said.

I do hate it; it’s despicable for another being to selfishly steal another beings life, just because they feel they mean more.

He nodded and scoffed softly.

“You sound like my brother…”

I raised an eyebrow and switched legs, crossing one over the other.

“Don’t tell me your brother is one of those blood bag vampires?” I scoffed, rolling my eyes at the idea.

What’s the point of being a vampire if you don’t do what you were created to do? Then again that’s incredibly hypocritical of me, but it’s a bit different. I have to kill people in order to live; vampires just need a sip here and there.

He raised his arms up.

“Finally! Someone who thinks the idea is completely ridiculous. And he doesn’t even drink blood bags; he’s strictly animal diet.” he exclaimed.

I couldn’t help my dropped jaw.

“You mean vampires can actually live without drinking human blood?!” I exclaimed in surprise.

I’ve never heard of a thing so…unnatural. 

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