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day four.

"eh?" taehyung questioned, fixing his arrangement of beautiful peonies that sat at the front of the store. "that's quite an... ominous request."

jungkook, who had no one else to turn to, had come to visit taehyung the next day at the flower shop in hopes of getting some insight of what he should do. from all the stories he'd heard of taehyung and seokjin's meeting, things between them worked out fine. maybe jungkook's reaction was too dramatic, but when you're entire life you had dreamt of being with a gorgeous lady and you end up w a man, it's normal to feel a little cheated... was it not?

"i don't know what it means, or what to do even." jungkook sighed, resting his head on the countertop. "i don't even think i want to meet up with him."

"don't you think that's a little unfair?" taehyung asked and jungkook could hear the frown in his tone. "he is your soulmate after all." he was getting sick of hearing that. he knew yoongi was his soulmate—he was very aware of that—he just didn't know what to do. his world was falling apart all because of yoongi. he heard taehyung scoff and jungkook reacted by looking his direction. "i can see it in the expression on your face. i don't think it's right to blame yoongi for your mishaps. it's not like he did it to you on purpose."

jungkook groaned loudly and sat up, the frustration extremely visible on his face. "can you at least try to understand me and where i'm coming from?"

taehyung returned his glare with a very blank stare, one that was difficult for jungkook to read. was he angry? disappointed? or did he just not really care? taehyung let a sigh loose after a few seconds of staring and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"i am trying. i've been trying ever since we first met, but i don't understand you at all. maybe it's because i never daydreamed of having my soulmate be a specific type of person, or maybe it's just because we live different lives, but i don't understand why this is such a difficult thing for you." taehyung let his arms fall as he turned back to the arrangement he was working on. "just because your soulmate isn't who you expected, i don't think that's fair for you to treat them poorly because of it. i mean, how do you think yoongi feels? everyone is itching to find their one, and you've been lucky to find yours. yoongi probably feels really bad because he doesn't understand your diversion from him."

jungkook sat back down, taking in taehyung's words. yoongi the entire time only smiled and did his best to calm jungkook down. he was extremely nice and caring, and he even backed off when jungkook very clearly didn't want him around. someone like that... does jungkook even deserve someone like that? but besides the point, jungkook had never even thought much about being with a guy. the only person he thought about was jimin and that was just to confirm he wasn't his soulmate. even if the universe thought jungkook and yoongi were to be inseparable, jungkook wasn't sure if he agreed.

or maybe he was just being an ass.

"oh!" taehyung spoke again, turning around with a sudden smile on his face. his fist was resting on his hand, as if he had remembered something. "he means dawn!"

confusion covered jungkook's face and he pouted. "what are you talking about?"

"mister yoongi said to meet him at dawn. when the sun breaks through the dark, that's dawn. the very minute the sun rises to start the day."

jungkook rested his head down on the counter with a whine. "he didn't tell me a specific day, though. so what if i missed it?" not like he was planning on meeting him anyway.

taehyung shrugged and moved over to work on some bluebells that needed to be repotted. "maybe he's been waiting everyday since your encounter for you."

if that were the case, he felt even more like an asshole.

he ended up leaving the shop after he realized how much of a hinderance he was being to taehyung's work and told him he'd visit again soon. this gave him time to think about their conversation as he left. taehyung probably said all the right things, it was just vexing to sit there and accept it after years of daydreaming. but that was the issue. he shouldn't have created such high expectations. the person he had dreamt of didn't exist and he should have never done that to himself. it made him judge others too quickly. if yoongi was his soulmate he should accept that and do his best to love him like he deserved.

with a sigh, he realized he ended up at the candy store. he hadn't seen seokjin in a while so he decided to take a step inside and see what his opinion was. seokjin was sitting at the counter in the middle of the store reading what looked like a very boring book. with the ring of the bell attached to the door, his head shot up and a smile formed across his face.

"i was starting to think you forgot about me, kid," he stated. setting his book down, he leaned forward and rested his head in his hand, his elbow against the counter. "is your eldest not good enough for you?"

jungkook only chuckled, looking around as if he were browsing the candy. "i was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by."

seokjin smirked. "bullshit. taehyung told me you had some troubles on your mind." jungkook already knew taehyung would blab about his situation. the pair never kept anything from each other. that was one reason he came, though. it was easier if he already knew so he wouldn't have to explain it again. "so what's this about you being so distraught over your soulmate? shouldn't you be happy?"

"i should be, but i wasn't expecting someone like yoongi." there it was again; his awful tone. he developed it ever since he started talking about yoongi. why was he so angry? he didn't have to be like that, what taehyung said was right. it's not yoongi's fault, so why is he trying to blame him.

seokjin picked up on his anger and frowned. "you can get rid of that attitude of yours before anything. don't you act like that towards your soulmate. you must want to die in a grey world, huh?"

"no, i don't."

"then act better." seokjin's tone was strict and unmovable. he was serious. he spoke like that only once in a while whenever the younger ones weren't doing the things they should do. jungkook was quick to avoid such instances but now he couldn't dodge it. "soulmates aren't something we get to choose, and not everyone is lucky enough to find theirs at such a young age. some people even die without a soulmate. you need to think about your life and this world and understand how much the universe loves you. you'll never be able to face yoongi if you don't learn how to treat him better."

he wasn't sure if the term "love" was appropriate to use with the universe, but he took seokjin's wisdom to heart as he left, trying to cool himself down. it's not yoongi's fault he kept repeating in his mind. jungkook decided tomorrow he'd meet yoongi at dawn so they could talk, and so he could give him a shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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