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I quickly run up to Draco's and I room, I open the door and see Draco turn around while fixing his tie. I huff and bend down while holding myself on my knees, I breathe for a second before feeling Draco hold my arms to make me stand straight. I keep trying to breathe until he pushes back a stray hair that's in my face. I try to keep my breathing steady as he looks at me, he then tilts his head.

(Draco)- "No need to apologize, you're forgiven." I watch as he lifts his arm to check the time, "We're a bit late as I can tell, come on." He quickly grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room.

As we walk, he still has a grip on my hand. I don't mind it, although I feel a little cool, and I want to rub my hands together. We finally arrive to the party, he then move his arms to my back, holding me along as we walk in. I scan the room and notice chocolate frogs, I really want one, as I stare I hear Draco whisper into my ear.

(Draco)- "Just go and take one Liberty." I turn to him and node excitedly, I sprint over and tap my chin as I look at the blue boxes stacked. 

I pick the box at the very top, I open the box and watch the frog jump out. I quickly turn and catch the frog in my hands. I turn the box upside down for the card to fall onto the food table, I then put the frog back and hope it'll turn into a normal chocolate frog. I look at the table and notice the card fell to the floor, I kneel down and grab the card turning it around and seeing Harry's Potter face. 

(Pansy)- "Oh I see you got Harry, I haven't got him yet." I look at her shockingly and afraid. "Listen I know I'm the last person you probably don't want to see--"

(Liberty)- "Correct, now I must find my friends--" I try to walk away before she stops me. 

(Pansy)- "Listen!" I stop in my tracks, "I wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything that happened, I felt like I've learned my lesson. I've also realized that I'm lucky to be paired up with someone different, and if I caused you any harm since then..well--I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

(Liberty)- "I forgive you." I then hand her my Harry card, she smiles brightly at me "Hopefully we can be friends in the future."

(Pansy)- "I would love that." She then gets called over by her fiance, I wave goodbye as she departs from me. I then open my chocolate frog and start to eat it, glad it isn't moving anymore. 

As I continue to eat, I look around and see a girl with Draco. I shake off any nervous feeling and focus on something else, I then turn to see Draco next to me. I finish my chocolate frog and place the frog on the table, grabbing a napkin and lightly dabbing my mouth. I then watch Draco get a drink.

(Draco)- "That girl kept flirting with me, it was quite annoying." I then freeze in place, feeling a bit jealous. "That's why I quickly came over here, cause I saw you were still here." I look down and grab my box and napkin quickly tossing it into the trash. "Jealous?"

(Liberty)- "No, not really." I turn to him and he gives me a smug face, "Since you're already here." I smirk knowing he's a bit bothered.

(Draco)- "Well, what if I didn't come here?" He then stands closer to me with his hands in his pockets.

(Liberty)- "You're already mine." I turn to him and show him the ring he gave me, "Can't say anything to contradict me now." 

(Draco)- "Very bold. Can't say I tried." He then walks away from me, I then turn around to see him join his friends. 

I then finally pour myself a drink, I plan to join my friends as well. As I finally pour it I take a sip and turn around, almost bumping into James. I block the drink from dripping onto his suit, I look up and see his smile as I try to save my drink. 

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