Chapter 8

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Hey babies! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in awhile but I was pretty sick and shit so...yeah :(
But now I'm back and a lot better so let's get on with this fluffy and normal school day chapter shall we! 💞

Kirishima POV
I was peacefully cuddling with Bakugo when my alarm went off.
What the actual shit.
Moving Baku out of the way I reached over to the coffee table and grabbed my phone to turn off the alarm. Everyone else started waking up too. Probably because of the stupid alarm I had set so we weren't late for classes. I looked down at Bakugo yawning and running his eyes with his sweater paws.
"Morning babe,"
He yawned once more and stretched, "Morning shit head."
"I'm not a shit head!"
"Yeah yeah whatever Kiri,"
I rolled my eyes then got off the couch picking up Baku like a baby and carrying him upstairs so we could get ready for school. Mina, Sero, and Kami also got up and went to get ready.

We got to our dorms to brush our teeth, do our hair, get dressed, and all that good stuff. I grabbed my uniform and put it on then tied my tie to finish it off. I checked the time and it was already late! Damn I don't have time to do my hair. I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair into a low pony tail just to  And keep it out of my face.
Bakugo POV
God damn I'm tired. I was already dressed and of course I left the two top buttons undone with no tie because it's stupid as hell. My pants pulled down the slightest and where kind of baggy on me. To do my hair all I had to do was brush the knots out and run my hand through it then it fluffs back up to its natural spiky state on its own. All I had to do now was meet up with Kiri and walk to the school building. As I was waiting for him outside his dorm some...girl? Why is she here? She was holding a note in her hand that was sealed with heart sticker.
"Kirishima...Kirishima..ah ha!" The girl came running over to where I was standing and stopped in front of Kiri's door. It looked like she was waiting for him to come out too. I wanted to know why she was at Kiri's door.
"Hey what the fuck are you doing here?"
"H-huh..oh hi!"
The bitch turned to me with the note still in her tiny hands.
"I'm just gonna give this to K-Kirishima.."
"Oh really..? Well what is it?" I asked her.
"I-it's n-nothing..!"
I know for sure that whatever it is...that it's not just nothing.
"Then can I see what the note says?"
Yeah that's it. I growled at her and snatched the piece of paper from her hands and ripped the dumbass heart sticker off of it. As I began to read it while facing away from her I was mad. This wasn't just any note. It was a confession letter. Tiny hands likes MY KIRI. I turned back to her and burned the letter in my palm.
"Listen bitch, I'm Kiri's boyfriend and he's gay so nice try but fuck off will ya!"
"I-I'm sorry!"
Just when I was about to yell at her again Kiri walked out of his room. The girl ran away and I looked at Kiri.
"Who was that?"
"Oh her, just some bitch that came here to confess to you so I told her that I was dating you and told her to fuck off." I said while giving a closed eye smile at the end of my sentence.
"Wow you are so mean, but I would've turned her down so I guess you did it for me babe,"
"Yeah yeah I know I'm awesome,"
Kiri started wheezing.
"Let's just get to class before Present Mic gets angry and screams at us."

-time skip to class time-

Deku POV    (I just wanted to write some TodoDeku 😌)

Me and Shoto where sitting at his desk talking about random subjects and school training. He was sitting in his chair while I sat on the edge of his desk. Of course Iida scolded me a few times but I didn't care that much I just wanted to talk to Todo. We've been dating for some time and he's literally perfect.
My gosh Izuku stop being so gay.
"Izu you wanna get coffee after school?"
"Of course Sho~"
Gosh I love him so much.
"Hey maybe we could invite Kacchan and Kirishima!"
"Hm yeah I guess that would be fun,"
"Yay~!" I squeaked like a little kid while giving him a closed eyed smile.
As my eyes were still closed I felt someone move closer to me and kiss my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw Sho sitting up in his chair slowly leaning back away from my cheek. I blushed a bright red color before grabbing his shoulders and pulling him into a real kiss. He put his warm hand on one of my arms and we kissed for at least thirty seconds before pulling away. We are in class after all.
Todoroki POV
We pulled away from our short kiss, both of us smiling at each other. My hand intertwined with his scarred one. Everyone else was talking and probably making out with each other. All I wanted to do was spend all my time with Izu but of course the bell just had to ring.
"I'll see you at hero training Sho,"
"Alright Izu~" I have him a quick kiss before he went back to his seat. At least I'll see him after school with Bakugo and Kirishima.
Kirishima POV
Class had begun and it was English. Present Mic is way too loud even when he tries not to be. Sometimes I even get migraines just from his teaching. We weren't learning anything too important so I just dozed off and I sat next to Bakugo in this class so that's one good thing. Bakugo was sitting there drawing in a sketchbook so I leaned over and peaked at his drawing. It was a drawing of me and him kissing with sunflowers around us. If Bakugo isn't the cutest and most amazing person ever I don't know who is. He noticed that I was peaking and slammed the sketchbook shut and put his head down. I saw his face go bright red before putting it down on his desk so obviously he didn't want me seeing his drawings of us.

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