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IF YOU WERE TO ASK the ersatz woman in replacement of my mother——Peregrine——about the incident, I'm sure she would lie straight through her diamond plated teeth, and right to the world's face. I'm sure she'd say——while shedding some fake ivory tears she hides in a small vial in the cuff of her sleeve——that the burning of my family's offbeat mansion was an accident.

And it most definitely wasn't.

In fact, I, along with her, know almost every detail in relation to the blaze there is. We know when and how——Saturday the Twelfth, with a set of thirty-five candlesticks and a single match. We've come to the conclusion it was a female arsonist, and we know she lives around Park Ire, and we've seen her long, albino-blond hair. This might've been enough for the investigation——and maybe the arsonist would've been caught;  I could live in orphan peace at the old Bluegem Apartments without Peregrine.

But as it appears, that peace was never an option. 

Some balmy day in June——yesterday——I was picked up early from school, right in the middle of an everlastingly grating speech performed by two elderly workers from circus way out in the city. So by that time, I was already feeling worse. Don't know why, but I'm guessing being newly orphaned and having to watch five hours of happy families on a screen wasn't exactly the best thing ever. When we had finally surpassed the extensive corridors and splattered ourselves onto the cracking sidewalk, Peregrine began to speak.

(just wanted to offer a taste before i disappear for six more months)

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