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Red ember eyes snapped open, glowing dangerously in the dark room with the only noise of his heretic breathing. Mikoto had his hand outstretched out in front of him before letting it fall back onto his forehead again, covering his tired eyes. His whole body feverish and he felt as if he was lit on fire, torturously burning to death.

The same usual reactions from the faint trembles of his hands to the tightness of his throat with his entire body drenched in cold sweat. This was the fifth time for this month. That cursed dream of him destroying and burning everything down to ashes before he exhausted himself and combusted into nothing.

Control. He needs more control.

Clenching his fist, he took another deep breath before shifting his body back to a comfortable position on the couch. His powers were getting harder to control as year passed by and sometimes it felt like as if it was suffocating him. Slowly reminding him of the violence and destruction it can cause, making lose everything he wanted to protect.

He glanced at the clock hanging on the ceiling. At least this time he had almost five hours of sleep. It seems that drinking himself to sleep does not work as much as it used to and he had to find another alternative. The redhead sigh in frustration, at least he could avoid having a killer hangover the next morning.


The redhead blinked drowsily as he heard Anna muffled voice from the other side of the door before slowly pulling himself to a sitting position. His golden eyes stared tiredly at the door for a moment to get his thoughts settled before walking towards it despite his tired muscles silently protesting his movements.

It was already bad that the eleven soon to be twelve year old kid idolised him as her hero and he did not need her to see him in his current disoriented state. There was no doubt that she would worry herself to death if she finds out about it, he thought silently. This was a problem he needed to solve himself and it was for the best that no one knew about it.

His finger brushed the doorknob, pausing as he stared at his trembling fingers. The redhead frowned before forcing the tremors to subside and gently pulled the door open. He could feel the strain of his powers affecting his body, making him tired and sluggish all the time. It seems yesterday's battle with the pesky blues had taken its effect and he doubt it would end well if he continues to use his powers carelessly.

Mikoto stared down at Anna who was dressed from toe to shoulder in a lovely red dress which she silently adore. Ruffling her long snowy silver locks as his normal morning greetings, he slowly headed down the stairs with her following behind him. Soft heels tapped against the wooden flooring before he felt her familiar grip against his shirt as they descend down.

He rubbed the back of the neck tempting to get the annoying sore muscles to relax from his sleeping position while hearing the loud conversations coming from downstairs. Another day of his clansmen doing their mischief and madness it seems. The soothing familiarities started to calm him down from his previous episodes and lure him into a sense of peace.

He could pick up Yata's loud energetic voice retelling his new cool move that he just came up with and Izumo yelling for them to stop skateboarding in his bar before breaking something. The normal daily gathering of the red clan before they disperse and head home in the evening or maybe midnight if a basketball game was up on the television.

"Ah, King you're up! Thank you Anna for getting him!"

Totsuka Tatara immediately chirped as he saw the newly awoken man sliding onto his usual place of bar stool. The smiling blonde waved at them both to the bar before busying himself behind the counter, helping Izumo sorting out the glasses and materials for tonight. It seems there was going to be another rowdy night again with a football match showing later.

Some greets and yells of morning was wished from his clansmen before all of them went back to their own activities as they know his morning habit and routine. With a low grunt as his reply before the redhead eyed in distained at the place of curry rice and plain water that was set in front of him.

"It's too early for alcohol and meat."

With an award winning smile, the blonde beamed brighter at the redhead who just continued staring the drink in distaste before sighing in defeat. Picking up the spoon he started to eat without sparing the eccentric blonde another glance. Knowing it was better to entertain the blonde rather sitting through a whole lecture on healthy food diet and the importance of breakfast.

However before he could take his first bite, a gentle tug made him stop and glance down at Anna who had been staring at him oddly. The girl had seemed oddly out of behaviour these days but no one could seemed to get an answer out from her even Tatara who has the tightest bond with the silver head child.


"...It's nothing."

He watched the small figure hesitate before discarding what she had wanted to speak about. Anna quickly slipped away from his view, blocked by the crowd of boys hovering over something new that caught their attentions. Mikoto could only raise an eyebrow at her action before turning towards the blonde behind the bar counter.

"Mah~ If Anna says it's nothing then it's nothing right? I'm sure she will tell us if it's really important."

Tatara wave off Anna's odd behaviour before pointing back to the untouched meal that was cooling on the counter, reminding the man to eat. He had been worried about her close off attitude, thinking it was her nightmare coming back again but her interactions with everyone else was normal. It could be that Anna was in some sort of phase at this moment which sometimes do happen.

"You know she has been telling me not to go outside alone these days but someone got to get the groceries right?"

He joked drily, hoping to distract the redhead. Maybe their little friend had gotten a little more worried for him when he had gotten injured escaping from yesterday's battle. However, he could not help shake off a dreaded feeling that something big was going to happen soon. He could only prey and hope that everyone would be alright.

But fates were cruel sometimes.


Hei everyone! This is my new and improved version of K Project after being on hold for 2 years! (cringed internally)

For the old readers:
Sorry everyone for being like gone for two years! Life has been pretty busy and you know the typical author's block. So, if you're reading this before 28 May 2017, I suggest you start all over again cause I kinda change a lot on the plot! Don't go saying I didn't warn any of you!

For the new readers:
WELCOME & I hope you enjoy this story!

I want to thank everyone who has still been following my story and please be a little more patient as I would be catching up on revising all the chapters & so on. Do not fret! I will complete this book after watching through the entire season & having the feels again after witnessing out lovely redhead dying for the second time. T^T

P.S This story is not edited so do expect mistakes! (Sorry!)

Thank you for those who added my story into their library too! I really appreciate it too!

Throw in some comments if you have any questions or just for the fun of it. (LoL!)

See ya!

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