Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

I felt like crap, i did the show, but barely felt into it.. it wasn't right without jeny rocking out side stage and watching me. So when it got to litle things, i completely missed my cue.. i was in my own world... And apparrently Liam took it for me. I didn't dance, I didn't laugh I barely smiled throughout the rest of the set. It was officially the shittest performance of my career and I hated myself for it.

"You alright mate?" Niall asked. "No... no im not," I said, as we exited the stage, "I love her...... and i jsut want her close..."

He nodded and rubbed his lips together. "Yeah I can see it, we all can. Especially the girls. We've all noticed a difference since she hasn't been here."

"I don't understand this.... she's home.. UNPROTECTED and i can't do jack about it..." I said.

"Between you and me I think she's in more danger at home in London than she is here." Niall said honestly.

"Exactly, what if she gets hurt?" I asked.

"I dunno mate but meself and the lads have been talking about it and if something like that were to happen, you have our permission to go home, get her and bring her back here. Don't worry about management, we'll deal with them." he said.

"You'd do that? you'd let me just walk away and get myself into trouble?" I asked.

"Of course, Jeny being in danger takes presedence over our shows any day of the week." he said.

"Alrght, good.. i just.. god i hate this.. i hte having to fake, and onw she's being prtrayed as some durnken slut..." I said.

"Do you want my advice?" he said to me. 

"No not really, because the last time I took your advice I ended up wearing that stupid tutu." I answered.

He cracked up laughing, "Ahhh that wa a good day!!!"

"ANyways...." I chukled.

"Open up about everything, come clean. Yeah some fans won't be happy at first, but the loyal one's like that girl at the meet and greet will appreciate the honesty." he said.

"I just... how would i do that?!" i asked.

"I dunno, you're talking to the guy who's relationship was discovered when he was caught making out with his girlfriend in Hyde Park." he snorted.

"Good point..." I said, "Dammit I wish she was here..." 

"Then be glad your girlfriend is stubborn and refused to go home... we got to LA and she made me get us a plane back here to Florida to get back to you," Paddy said, from behind me.

"Paddy, you dressed up as Jeny doesn't count." I grumbled.

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