The One I Lost...

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If you hadn't read my other books... read those first because they explain a lot of things in this book. 

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(Gold's POV)

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(Gold's POV)

I was in Violet City and decided I should just get home already. So I walked home. I didn't want to fly for some reason.

Before I'm out of the route just to right of New Bark Town, I see some flaming light. I ran as fast as I could to see what was going on.

There was a fire... in my house.

I saw Crystal and Prof. Elm running out of the Pokemon Lab.

My Pokemon and my mother were in there.

I take out Polibo and Manaphy, then run into my house.

"Gold!" I hear Crys say, "What are you DOING?"

I ignore her.

I snapped my fingers.

My Pokemon nod.

I take the rest of my Pokemon out in case I don't make it out.

I run into the kitchen to see my mother unconscious on the ground.

I shake her awake.

She woke up.

"Gold," She said, "here." She gives me my other Pokemon I left with her, "Run." 

I hold back the tears and mouth, "No! I gotta get you out of here!"

"It's no use! You are too precious. You have a heart gold! I LOVE YOU! NOW GET OUT OF HERE!"

I mouthed one last sentence to her, "I LOVE YOU TOO!"

I ran out but quickly grabbed a picture frame that held me and my mother.

I dived out through the opened door.

I take my other Pokemon out.

Looking at the burning house hurts.

"Gold!" I look behind me to see Crystal running towards me, "Are you alright?"

I turn my head back to the house.

The fire department has just arrived.

They took out the fire but... she's not there anymore.

I ran into the house after they were done.

There was nothing left.

I went to every remaining room. 


But... I found one thing that my Mother held.

I hid it into my pocket and exited what's left of the house.

Crystal just looks at me with a worried expression on her face.

I mouth to myself, "It's my fault."

Unfortunately, Crys saw it and said, "It's NOT your fault."

I shoot her a glance and mouthed, "Yes it is! You were the same way when I lost my voice."


That's when... I ran away into the direction of Kanto.

"GOLD!" I heard Crys yell before I got out of earshot.

I ran away.

I didn't know where to go now though.

I just kept on running until I was out of breath.

To be continued...

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