Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
"when you bumped into a person
that is so popular will he ever notice
someone stupid like me?"

After 1 week-School day

???:Wake up!!

Y/n:5 more minutes unnie...


Y/n:Huh?Jisoo unnie?

Jisoo:You know that we only have like 40 mins left for school!!!

Y/n:But did my alarm not work?

Jisoo:It didn't work just go to the bathroom and hurry up because were going to be late!
I go to the bathroom and wear pants and a plain shirt and a jacket that is red.I go down stairs and see my unnie's waiting for me.

Y/n:Morning unnie's!What's for breakfast?!

Rose:Bacon and eggs!
We started eating and head to school

At school

Y/n:Wah!this is huge

Rose:I know right?were so lucky to get a scholarship here!
We head inside and go to the venue that is for first year.

Jisoo:There's so many people here!

Y/n:Let's find our seats,before everyone is hear!
We find our seats and waited for 5 minutes till it gets crowded...Then the event happened...After the event...

Y/n:I can't believe were getting dorms now!!

Rose and Jisoo:YESSS!

Rose:Hopefully all 3 of us will be dorm mates!

Jisoo:Well will be finding that out soon but lets find the office we need to get our schedule!
We ask one of our senior here that we see


???:Oh hello!May I help you?

Jisoo:Yes ummm can you please point out the directions were the office is?

???:Sure umm my name is Irene!

Y/n:Nice to meet you Irene I'm Y/n,she's Rose and she's Jisoo.

Irene:So just go straight then on the second left turn their then straight then their you will find the office!

Y/n,Rose,Jisoo:Thank you sunbaenim!

Irene:No problem!
We head to the office

Staff:Come in!
We 3 came in

Y/n,Rose,Jisoo:Hello!we are here to get our schedules!

Staff:Ah yes names?

Jisoo:Kang Y/n,Park ChaeYoung,Kim Jisoo

Staff:Wait a minute let me find your keys and schedules...

Staff:Here are your schedules,codes for your locker,dorm no.,and dorm keys.

Y/n,Rose,Jisoo:Thank you!
We left from there.

Y/n:So guys what are your first subjects.

Rose and Jisoo:History


Rose:Well we didn't get the same subjects but the second subject?


Jisoo unnie just got cut off by a lot of screaming

Rose:Let's get out of here before we get crushed by those people!
Jisoo and Rose said bye to Y/n since her class was the closest.

Y/n:Hmmm no people yet.....
I go to the window seat in the corner and decided to listen to some music.

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