Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
"were did it all go wrong?,
am i not enough for you?"

Y/n's POV

Alarm rings

Y/n:another school day just great.
I got up and go to the shower then wear my uniform head down eat breakfast.

Jisoo:Are you done Y/n!

Y/n:Wait a minute!
I place my plate into the sink and head out with my unnies.we just walk to the school since it just takes 10 minutes to walk there.

Rose:Im very excited for today!


Jisoo:You don't remember?were moving to the dorms today.
Then that hit me

Y/n:Shit I forgot

Rose:Don't worry we have lots of time since its only half day for us.
We arrived at school go to our opened mine and I'm surprised.There's
another letter...I pick it up.

Y/n:Great another letter...

Rose:hmmm...what letter?
Rose and Jisoo also look at it and I opened it...

Dear Y/n
(Guys imagine there's cringey stuff in this letter since I don't know how to make a letter since im bad at it...)

                                  -Secret Admirer

Jisoo:Somebody got a crush on youuuu...
They kept teasing me until we got to class

Y/n:Oh may gawd please shut up before I get Tease cancer.

Rose:Just be lucky.
Then the teacher went in and starts saying names or you could say attendance...

Teacher:Girl 1?

Girl 1:Here!
After a lot of names

Teacher:Huening Kamal Kai?

Huening Kai:here

Teacher:Kang Taehyun?


Teacher:Choi Beomgyu?

Someone slamed the door...


Teacher:Hmmm... 5 mins late huh?what's your excuse?


Teacher:Ok go sit.
The teacher started the lesson

Beomgyu POV
I can't even focus on the teacher.I kept on staring at her by her I mean Y/n.Until she caught me staring at her.I looked away of course...I glance at her but she kept on staring at me.I of course blushed.

I felt like someone is staring at me so I decided to look back and saw Beomgyu looking at me I decided to stare at him for awhile but I saw him glance at me and blushed.I chuckeled

*Bell rings*

Teacher:Class Dismiss,Time to move into your dorms.ALSO DON'T THINK THAT ONLY YOUR GENDER CAN STAY IN THAT ROOM.
We go to the meeting room cause they will be announcing something for the dorms.

Head:As you all know you all will be sharing a dorm every dorm has 4 persons.2 girls and 2 boys.As of this you may now pack your clothes and moved into the dorms...School Dismiss

While we head back to our apartment...

Rose:I cannot believe they actually allow us to have dorms with boys...

Y/n:As long that they are not one of those fuck boys I'm good.

Jisoo:Well we will know our dorms anyway.
We got home and decided to pack.

Jisoo:Oh yeah get our savings we need to pay the bill.
Rose grab the money.

Rose:Here unnie
Y/n:Lets get back to packing cause we have lots of clothes...
After 3 hours of packing

*knock knock*
Jisoo opened the door to see the house lord

Jisoo:Oh hello...

House lord:I'm here to take your bill

Jisoo:Ah yes ROSE THE MONEY!...
Rose gives the money to Jisoo.

Jisoo: here you go and also...we will move out

House lord:Oh okay just leave the furniture here and get your belongings.And leave before 12:00 nn.

Jisoo:Ok thank you!

*Closes the door*

Jisoo:So guys are you ready to go to the dorms.

Rose and Y/n:Yup!
All of us had 2 suitcases and 2 backpacks.We check everything before we leave.After that we head down and give the key to the house lord.

House lord:Thank you for staying here guys!

All three of us:Thank you for letting us stay!
We head out and go to the dorms of the school.We got to the reception and ask what floor is our dorms.

Reception:All of you are in the 7th floor.

Y/n Jisoo Rose:Thank you
We go to the elevator and press 7 and then it close.

Y/n:So guys we haven't actually said our dorm room no.
Rose:Well mines 789
Jisoo:Aw mine is 790
Y/n:Mine is 789 also.

The elevator opened.We head out.We searched for our rooms.

Jisoo:This is my room
Rose:This is ours.See you later.
Jisoo head in.then we heard a noise in the dorm.

Rose:Looks like the boys are here already.
Y/n:Welp I'm nervous
We walk in and the boys froze...

Who do you guys think are their dorm mates?

What is your favorite color/s?

Love Letters TXT Beomgyu ff  ~CoMPlEteD~Where stories live. Discover now