A Challenger Approaches

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I slowly open my eyes as a frustratingly loud ring is invading my sleep. I turn and snooze my alarm clock. I look past it and through the dark, I lock eyes with the poster on my wall; Leon, the Galar region champion. I think about the days we went to school together, how he stood out in any crowd with his unmatched charisma and never-ending excitement. I doubt he even remembers my name, but if I'm lucky, today will start the journey to our reunion.

My father, an assistant at the local Pokemon nursery, told me that he thinks I need a journey of self discovery.

"You're always cooped up in this house, and since your mother has been gone overseas, I see the original you less and less. Enjoy the world while you can; before life gets too crazy" he told me.

He was right; I have been so sad while mom has been away. I wish she could just find another job to be around more often, but she needs to do what she can to pay the bills.

I slowly sit up, sliding my legs out from beneath my blanket. I walk across the cool hardwood floor and open my shades, letting in some sunlight for the couple of tiny plants I keep in my window. I turn to see my Eevee still asleep in her bed next to mine, and decide to wake her later. I quietly sift through my closet until I can find a good outfit, then get changed. I pick up my boots and carry them down the stairs to stay as quiet as I can. I walk towards the couch and sit besides my father, who happens to be watching a rerun of the last match Leon participated in.

"Would you look at that! His style is unmatched in every way. No wonder he's as popular as he is; charisma like that will take you anywhere." He said, proud as ever as if Leon was his own child.

I start to tie the laces of my boots when I hear light footsteps coming down the stairs behind me. Eevee pokes her head through the banister behind me and I turn to her as she yips. I take a treat off of the dark brown coffee table for her and place it on the floor besides me so she'll come all the way down the stairs, but instead she just slips through the banister and jumps onto the couch. My father hates it when she gets on the couch, but I always let her on it when he's not around. I pick her up and place her onto the carpet. As Eevee eats her treat I turn to my father.

"Today's the day. I'll be starting the Gym Challenge... Are you sure you'll be okay around here without me?" I ask him quietly.

"You don't need to worry about me. Your mother and I couldn't be prouder of you for stepping outside of your comfort zone and doing this. I promise you, you won't regret it. Better to have tried than to never have tried at all."

I feel tears start to gather in my eyes but I blink them away. I've never been away from them as long as I will need to be for this journey, but I knew I needed something new in my life, and this seemed right.

Oddly enough, the thing I was most excited for wasn't the journey, or the new Pokemon, or the new places I couldn't even dream of... It was the thought of walking up to Leon that really made my whole body shake.

Leon (Pokemon Sword / Shield) x Reader (male or female)Where stories live. Discover now