23. The Truth Pt 2

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Sierra's POV:

"I've done something terribly wrong Sierra," He said to me for the fifth time. We've been sitting at the same empty parking lot he made a quick turn to for about 15 minutes now. I don't know what he was trying to tell me and it was hard to understand with the mumbling of his voice. It had to be something serious because his hands that were gripping the steering wheel was shaking up as well as his body. I arm around him trying to comfort whatever feelings had him acting like this all of the sudden.

"Michael, you're not making sense honey. What did you do? What's wrong?" I caressed his arm, hoping he would be some type of calm and secure. "Are you having some sort of anxiety attack or something?"

"No, I want to tell you but I can't I just...can't!" his voice cracked and right then I witnessed tears fall down his face. The cant recall the last time I've seen him cry.

"Michael you're crying..." I held his face up so he would look at me. "What happened? What's wrong with you. Talk to me."

"I didn't mean to do it, and you're never going to look at me the same again," he wiped the tears with his sleeve.

I took a hold of his hand, "please whatever it is, it's better to tell me than hold it in. You're starting to scare me."

He sighed and let my hand go, shifting his body around so he could completely face me. His watery eyes staring directly at mine. "I'm so sorry.."

"Sorry about what?" I said in confusion. His breathing got heavier and his chest heaved as he took a deep breath afterwards.

"I'm having an affair."

I crossed my eyebrows trying to process the words that came out of his mouth and I'm not sure if I even heard it right. "What?" I said in disbelief.

"I've slept with Veronica," he spoke again. A second after that my heart and my chest tightened. I looked at him closely, trying to detect any kind of bluff from him but his face was serious and what he was saying sounded serious. Or else he pulled over in the middle of fucking nowhere to tell me this as a sick fucking joke.

"What?" Is all I could find myself saying.

"It was a mistake that shouldn't have happened and I feel extremely horrible about it and I just can't bare to hide it from you anymore." He continued to talk. A mixture of frustration and complete sadness came over me. I wish this wasn't happening right now. And it doesn't even seem real.

I chuckled while holding back the tears that wanted to form, "are you serious?"

He was silent and faced anywhere but my eyes right now. He didn't answer me back and that's when I knew that this was very much real. Oh my god. My husband is sitting in front me telling me about an affair he just had. How did I ever end up being in a situation like this? I've played by the rules, I've poured my heart out into this relationship and made full commitment for the past years of our marriage. Why would he do this to me? Everything was fine with us? Why?

"You didn't answer my question, are you fucking serious?!" I raised my voice.

He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, "yes, I'm serious Sierra."

"Why would you do that? You're married. I'm your wife!"

"I know, I said it was a mistake. I was drunk and out of character it was a really terrible mistake that just happened"

"Something that happened? You're saying it like it's normal. You've slept with another woman. Even worse someone we both know!" My voice cracked this time. "Why would you do that knowing you're in a relationship?"

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