28. It's Over

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"It's not what you think. I went to visit an old friend that's all!" I tried telling her for the hundredth time. She bolted upstairs, completely blocking out every word I was saying. She was furious and didn't even bother to speak to me at this point. "Sierra please, listen."

I followed her to our bedroom, she went to the closet where our small sets of clothes were packed. She grabbed a handful of her clothes, along with the babies clothes and threw them on the bed. "What are you doing?" I said to her, while I continued to watch her throw her clothes across the bedroom. She didn't respond back. It was obvious what she was doing, she was packing her stuff without giving me the chance to explain the truth. A sudden wave of annoyance hit me, if she won't listen to me, I had no other choice but to force her to. I can't let her walk out of here in the middle of the night. She wasn't thinking straight, she never does when she gets to this level of frustration. I started collecting the clothes she threw around the house and threw them back into the closet. Once, she noticed my actions, she furrowed her eyebrows and gave me an intense stare as if I was challenging her, and I was. She started throwing them back on the bed again. I threw them back at her.

"You're not leaving me without giving me a chance to talk," I spat at her.

"I gave you a chance, everything you say is a lie!" She threw one piece of clothing in my face, making sure it hit me hard.

"Do you really think I visited her for other reasons? All because of what, some off guarded photos?" I responded. "Do you even take the second to think who even sent them?!"

"I don't care about the photos, why did you go over to another woman's house without me knowing? You're obviously cheating on me.." she cried out. "Again!" She emphasized.

"Oh is that right?" I said through clenched jaw. Her words left a spiraling emotion of hurt and anger circling through my body. There was no trust between us anymore and she made it pretty clear to me right now. "Yes because that's what I think about every fucking time I walk out that house. Knowing I have a god damn baby to take care of, all I ever think about is cheating on you!" I said rhetorically. "You're always right aren't you!" I spat at her. She froze into place, taken back by the amount of anger I was spitting in her face. I took a second to collect myself and calm my nerves. I walked over to her, hoping I could embrace her and eliminate this tension that was currently happening between us.

Before I even got the chance to stretch out my arms, she took a step back. At that moment, a hard shiver rolled through me, knowing what's to come next. I stared at her, praying she wouldn't cut the line here.

"I can't do this anymore," her voice cracked.

"What?" I questioned.

"You. This relationship. I can't do this anymore. Her eyes flood with tears. "I'm so tired Michael," she trailed off. "You act like I don't see the things you do but I have. I've been picking up the clues for more than 2 years now. I convince myself none of those thoughts in my head is true but it is. The long business trips over the years, the smell of different scented perfumes that lingered around your neck, and the long nights I had to wait for you to come home.....all the red flags were there Michael," She starts to sob uncontrollably. "You don't even introduce me to majority of your friends."

"I've made some regretful mistakes, but I've changed."

"And what you expect me to do? Ignore all those mistakes and give you endless amount of chances to do better? Do you really think that's fair?" She wiped her tears with the sleeve of her blouse, but more started to pour as she wiped. An excruciating pain took over my chest. The hard part of reality finally hit me. She was right. I've made way too many mistakes for her to just carelessly ignore like that. I was being selfish. And a horrible person to the one that loved me the most. I've broken the vows I took upon this marriage, I've dishonored the ring on my finger and more importantly, I've lied and disappointed my wife.

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