Joining Team 7

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Chapter 1

5:30 am

   You wake up to an ear piercing alarm beep in your ear. You smash the alarm clock into tiny pieces.
"Dangit, ugh" you whined
   You stuff your head back into your pillow. You flip over and stare at the ceiling for a extra couple of extra minutes. You finally have the energy to get up. Your feet touch the cold wooden floor. You stretch your arms and yawn and walk to the bathroom. You turn on the shower. The bathroom fogs up because of the heat. You undress and step into the shower. You step out of the shower and recognize your bruises and get flashbacks of your past..
  After, you change into your usual outfit, fish net short sleeve shirt underneath a (s/c) crop top ish thing and tight long shorts. It suits you very well. You step outside your house and start walking to the hokage's residence. You open the door to lady tsunade's office.
"Oh hello (y/n), I was waiting for you"
"Good morning Lord Hokage"
"Please call me Tsunade!"
"Ok! I was wondering when I could start my jonin work."
"Oh! Right! Well there are already a LOT of jonin this year at work. I don't think you can have your own team so I'll have to put you with someone else's team."

   You were kind of disappointed, you wanted your own team. But.. it's all you've got at this point.

"Alright, I'm up for it."
"Ok, thank you for being flexible. If you really want your own team you can wait next year."
"Oh no! It's ok! I'll take it!"
"Hmm, alright! You'll be with Kakashi's group"

  Your heart stopped- you remember kakashi. He was your childhood best friend. You forgot all about him until now. You've been outside of the village for so long. You liked him.. a lot.

"HellooOo? (Y/n)? Are you ok?" Tsunade snapped at your face. You realized you were completely zoned out.

"Oh my apologies! I- I just remembered something."

"Oh alright. So is Kakashis group ok with you?"

"Oh- uh yeah of course!"

"Ok great. Your jonin jacket will be down stairs. I hope you get well situated in your new team. And by the way.. you  might get this a lot but you are really beautiful."

You blush at the compliment. "Oh thank you so much lady tsunade. Same to you! And thank you again for helping me"

"Of course! I'm here if you need me"

You smiled and said your good byes.

Tsunades pov

  Oh I remember now.. Kakashi and (y/n) hung out a lot in there younger days. I hope it won't be a problem having them be in the same group.

Authors pov

   The jonin jacket went perfectly with your outfit. You walk out of the building and while you walk to where you are supposed to meet.
You noticed all the creepy guys staring at you on the streets. It kinda made you uncomfortable so you sped up a little. You saw the team, but kakashi wasn't there yet.

"Hello! I'm (y/n) I'll be your 2nd sensei. Nice to meet you all."

"Hi (y/n) sensei! I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I will become Hokage someday!"

"Hello Naruto! That's amazing! You look like you'll get there! How about you what's your name?"

"Hi. I'm sasuke Uchiha."

"I'm Sakura Haruno! Nice to meet you!"

"Hello! You guys look like a great team!"

"Y-your really pretty (y/n)" Sakura commented out of no where.

"Oh thank you Sakura, you are very pretty as well!" You blushed again and smiled lightly.
Sakura giggled and pulled a part of her hair behind her ear.

"I'm going to have to agree with Sakura" Sasuke mumbled.

"Yeah same!" Naruto agreed.

"Aww thank you guys." You got so overwhelmed with the kindness of this group.

"Where's Kakashi?" You asked.

"He's always late your gonna have to get used to it." Sakura said.

"Oh, well."

2 hours went by..

You laid down on the grass. The wind hit your face lightly. "Whats kakashi doing?" You thought. You heard someone walking towards you. You get up to see Kakashi right in front of you.

[Hope you enjoyed chapter 1! I know nobody is gonna see this but yeah! I'm sorry it's really short. Trust me it's gonna get more interesting 😂😏 Thank you for reading if anyone does! Oki bye bye! 🌸💗✨~]

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