chapter 4

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ethan dolan

FOUR WEEKS INTO the semester and I still get the cold shoulder from Miss Chamberlain. At this point, I've lost all game and have no idea how to get it back. I wish I could figure Emma out like I can football.

Football has always come easy for me. Don't get me wrong, I work my ass off to keep in top condition. What free time I have between practice and classes goes to working out or studying. I ignore physical pain and mental exhaustion on a constant basis.

But when it comes to the game? Effortless. Gripping the ball fills me with power. During a game, I don't fear the three hundred pound linebacker trying to take me out. I control my pocket, see paths, openings, opportunities. I talk to the ball and it listens, going where I want it to go more often than not. If no opportunity presents itself, I find one, running the ball, avoiding the hit, until I can make a play. It's that simple.

And it's fucking fantastic. The roar of the crowds, the victories, they're addictive. But never as addictive as the need to do it all again, throw that perfect pass, trick the defense with a brilliant handoff or pass fake. Because I can always do better. So, yeah, football is my joy. And I know how lucky I am to have found it, that I have the talent to be one of the best. If there was one thing my parents hammered into me, it was to appreciate what I have.

All of which makes Emma Chamberlain's disdain more irritating. She thinks I'm vain, a meathead. I should stay clear of her. There are tons of women who want to get to know me—kind of goes with the territory.

I still don't even know what it is about her that gets to me. She is pretty, luscious even, with the classic looks of a vintage pin-up girl. Heart-shaped face, a pert little nose, straight brunette hair that neatly fall's over her shoulders. But she isn't my usual type. Normally I prefer a girl who doesn't look at me as though I'm a hair that snuck into her salad.

So why can't I get Emma out of my head? All I can see these days are her eyes glaring at me, not giving a shit about the glossy veneer of my fame—hating it, in fact. And it turns me on.

So here I am, slouched in my seat, watching her arms wave and her sweet breasts bounce as she discusses philosophy's impact on society.

"Take Descartes," she's saying. "His move from trying to explain the 'why' of a question to observing the 'how,' helped forge modern scientific method. In antiquity, philosophers changed our world by constantly questioning the status quo."

Because I want her to acknowledge me, I speak up. "I agree."

Emma's ocean blue eyes cut into me with one glare. Then, as if she realizes that glaring at me means an acknowledgement, she reins it in and gives me her profile, facing forward once more.

She clearly doesn't like it when I take her side. Hell, she doesn't like it when I join any conversation she's involved in. It's like I insult her just by speaking. Which pisses me off and makes me want to do it some more.

"Take his argument on dualism, that the mind not only controls the body but that the body can control the mind." I find myself grinning, watching Emma's tension rise, as I lower my voice, directing it toward her. "That one's passions can overtake rational thought and prompt them to act in irrational ways."

Emma's focus stays on Professor Lambert, but beneath her desk, her legs cross then uncross. Clearly, I've made an impression on her. Good. Now we're even.

"Is there a point to your mentioning dualism, Mr. Dolan?" Professor Lambert asks, her wry tone pulling my attention back to her and the class. Shit, what was I saying?

I sit up higher in my seat, clearing my throat just as a few junior girls turn their heads to stare. "Ah, just that Descartes got people thinking about the relationship between the mind and the body in a different way."

Hell, I fumbled that one. My face feels uncomfortably warm. That's it, no more talking for me. And I'm grateful when the girl in the flower skirt jumps in. Only her eyes are narrowed at Emma in annoyance.

"I wouldn't say Descartes is such a hero. His belief that animals did not possess a soul led to wide-spread abuse of animals." The girl's expression grows irate as her voice climbs. "Vivisection, experimentation, neglect, these atrocities to animals can be drawn back to Descartes."

Since the girl's yelling this at Emma, all eyes are now on the both of them. Emma doesn't cower, though. Her response is smooth as cream. "Given that my argument wasn't about Descartes, but on how philosophers changed societal beliefs, I'd say you just proved my point."

Hell, but I like this girl. I like her quick mind and her fire.

Flower Girl, however is turning red. "So you're just going to ignore the ill his theory brought to the world?"

"I'm not ignoring it," Emma says. "But I also don't think we need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. He was responsible for a lot of positive changes as well."

Despite my former resolve to shut the hell up, I find myself saying, "Chamberlain is right, we can't judge the whole of a person's work based on one negative outcome. Shouldn't we give the guy a break? Maybe he had no idea the damage he'd do with a few misunderstood words."

I will Emma to answer that. She stubbornly ignores me. But she's the only one. As usual, whenever I talk, eyes turn my way. It's annoying, but I'm used to it. The fact that I'm defending Emma, however, sends curious glances her way as well.

I hear the blonde who's been trying to catch my attention for weeks now mutter in a voice meant to carry, "'Chamberlain?' He knows her name?"

A flush pinks Emma's cheeks. Tension lifts her shoulders, and I could swear that she's fighting the urge to duck her head. It's strange, as if she both wants to hide yet refuses to cave. But I have to be wrong. Nothing about Emma conveys shyness, and she didn't seem bothered when she was arguing with Flower Girl. Yet she drops off from the discussion and concentrates on taking notes.

Since she's no longer in the conversation, I lose interest as well. I resume watching her out of the corner of my eye and wonder if there's some sort of remedy for this kind of fascination. A sane man would give up the ghost and let her go.

Does that stop me from following her when class is over? From stalking her like some creeper as she heads to the food court at the Student Union? No. Not even a little bit.

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