chapter 10

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ethan dolan

I'M STILL SHAKING when I get home. My hands are useless, fumbling with the button of my jeans, grasping and missing the taps before I manage to turn on the shower. Full-out cold.

I'm a wreck. My heart is beating like I've just done an hour of shuttle drills. And it doesn't seem to want to slow down.

Icy water hits my overheated skin, and I hiss.

Holy hell, what just happened?

Emma Chamberlain has wrecked me. Utterly.

Memories assault me, the pale, undulating length of her body arching up to mine; drawing her hard, luscious nipple deep in my mouth; the soft, warm weight of her breasts cupped in my hands. I groan. My knees actually go weak, and I have to lean against the tiles or risk falling over.

Water pours over my face and runs into my eyes before I squeeze them closed. But it doesn't stop those images from playing. Her rounded thighs spread wide. For me. A small thatch of curves and plump, wet lips glistening. For me. I licked and sucked every inch of that prize. Her taste is still in my mouth.

"Shit." My voice echoes in the shower.

And though goose bumps cover my skin, I'm hot again. And hard. The tip of my randy dick presses against the cold tiles, and I find myself nudging forward just to alleviate the pressure. Shit. I want her again. Now. Badly.

I don't even try to stroke myself. It's not going to help. The horny bastard wants Emma, not my hand. Besides, I cringe at jacking off to thoughts of her now like a pathetic beggar.

God, it was humiliating to watch the realization of what she did steal over her features and the horror creep into her eyes. She couldn't get away from me fast enough. I'd sat back on my haunches like a moron as she wrenched up her top and scrambled off the sofa. Her panties were a lost cause, apparently, because she simply fled the room with a mumbled "Sorry—Bye" tossed my way.

She didn't even let me kiss her. That burns the most. As if kissing me was so personal that she couldn't bear it. As if she needed to relegate me to some random, near faceless fuck.

I groan again and run a hand over my face. My arms feel like lead, and I'm shivering. Slowly, I turn on the hot water and sink to the hard floor of the shower stall. I've just experienced the hottest, most erotic, life-changing sex of my life, and I don't think I'm going to get a repeat. Tonight was obviously an ill-advised hook up for her. And I'm so screwed because it was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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