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Hello everyone! You can call me Jeb. In any case, welcome! Before you proceed reading, I would just like to say a few things:

To those who are reading or have read my other works, I have sad news for you. I have unpublished them. They are not deleted, but they will not be updated. The reason why I came to this conclusion is due to several reasons but mainly because my writing has improved. Looking back at my old works, as much as I love them dearly, I cringe, no longer remember what was going on, and find myself wondering where the story was going to go.

As for THIS story, here's what I have to say.

I was trying to find a different kind of story to read and found a pretty interesting category here on Wattpad. They are stories about overly protective brothers and their youngest sister. After scouring through dozens of stories, I found one that I truly enjoyed. The story quite literally made my heart pound from anxiousness. There were even a few times that I had to take a pause because of how smooth the responses/lines were. The story itself is exaggerated just like with a lot of stories under this category. HOWEVER! The events that happened were not overly drastic. Some scenes were cringey, but I was captivated by how the characters were handled quite well even if I found them annoying at times.

So, with excitement, I decided to write one for myself and share it with you all.

I would also like you to all that I am writing this as I go along in the story. So, updated will be slow (as in VERY slow).

I hope that you enjoy the story as much as I liked writing it! :D

From your author,


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