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A light bulb dangled directly in the middle of the dingy ceiling. Its faint hue barely illuminating the bodies in the room.






Five women hardly felt the icy, cemented floor. Instead, they sat on their heels, immobilized by the discomfort in the air.

A man with a clean shaved and head, puffed smoke out of his crusted mouth. The stream fell directly on a trembling woman's battered face. He grabbed her by the cheeks and forced the same tobacco in her mouth. He pushed his mouth further in until she could no longer inhale the tobacco.

When he finally released her, the woman puffed out the smoke only to cough out in a second. Horrid laughter erupted from the other two men in the room. The bald man snapped his head back, stopping the laughter.

He continued to puff smoke in each women. One by one, their mouths became infested by his saliva and tobacco.

The man squatted down once last time to the woman in front of him. Despite being eye level, his piercing grey eyes seemed to loom over her. He exhaled the tobacco smoke in her mouth. She followed through and inhaled as much as she could.

It rapidly infiltrated her lungs.

She stifled a cough before he heaved her by the crown of her hair. The yellow light caught his eyes, creating a dirty gleam.

"Take her."

UPDATED 30/4/2022

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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