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hazbin hotel oc


name: Raven

age: 23

gender: female

sexuality: pan

personality: she is hyper, outgoing, looks and acts inccont, can be depressing sometimes, she hums sometimes, People sometimes don't think she belongs in hell because of how she acts, she's helpful and kind, but she belongs down there, fore shes hiding her true nature, in reality, she acts almost emotionless, but for the few emotion she feels, Anger, sadness, and sometimes happyness. Although she tells dirty jokes, laughs at others pain, and more, She has ADHD though.

species: bat ((A bat represents both death and life, endings and beginnings))  mix with a wolf ( A Wolf symbolizes the supreme essence of freedom and loyalty))

looks: (such a fluffy chest!))

looks: (such a fluffy chest!))

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how they died: she died by her own hands.

sin they did: murder,  and some lust

likes: Tea, Dr pepper, songs, her mother, her dead child (she still remembers him, and what happiness he brought her)) ect

dislikes: unknown, doesn't say much and accept the things she didn't like.

crush: Alastor


1:she can fly

2:She has claws that can come out

3:she can ear up to  ten miles away (adding wolf and bats together))

4: can make shadow puppets ((like make shadow figures out of thin air))


raven lived in a poor family, only having a mom to take care of her, she had a normal life, black hair and bright blue eyes, she was abit skinny for her age, through out school she made some friends, other didnt like her, it was until she turn 17 that things turned into hell, a guy, tan skin, Sun-flower colored hair, and grass green eyes that can stare into anyones soul, he was a polure kid in school, he was also a play boy, and sadlly he got to Raven, he played her, and made her go into a toxic relashion ship with him, Soon they had sex, raven got pregent with his child, but he yelled at her saying it wasnt his and that she was slut, he then ran off, her child was born 2 months late, he wasnt heathly, but he survuved, soon her child went home, and a year has passed, raven would sometimes go out and have some "fun" for money so she can feed her child, people started to make fun of her at school, spreeding rumors about her, majing up lies about, she had to drop out of school to be helpfull for her family and her son, her child was 3 when he started getting sick, Raven stopped going out and stayed by his side, her child had cancer, she did the treat meants but on ravens and her child birthday (they had the same birthday) 23 birthday her child died, raven watched him die. From that dy the rumors got worst, some said that she killed her son, other said she didnt, She got tired of the rumors and one day went to the man that ruined her lifes house, broke in with a knife , she found out that he had a wife and 2 twins that are a year old. raven stared at the kids and smiled, She then walked into the mans room why he slept, she went to the bed, his wife was sleeping, but he was on the phone. She smirked and ran up to the manstabbing his leg, he screamed and pushed her off, his wife awoke and screamed, the man yelled at the wife ti get the kids and hide, she died, raven chucled and attcked the man why he was focused on his wife, she pined him down, and stabbed him 10 times and deffrint spots, she then slip his throat, she watched him choked on his blood as she got up, she looked for his wife and kids, she found them, the wife was calling the police, when the wife saw her, she dropped the phone as the police answard, the wife screamed, raven walked close to them, stepping on the phone breaking it. She walked up to the wife, raven was emotionless, Soon she heard the children crying. raven snapped out of it, she fell to her kness crying, she finnly said somthing "H-he ruined my life, so i ened his" the wife was frozen as raven got up, she got out her wallet and threw the rest of her money to th family and she ran off, She heard the police sirens, they were chasing her, she ran into the forest, the crunching is all she her.

 Soon she was stopped by the cliff, the police surrdened her, they said "Dropp the weapon and surnder yourself, you wont be charged for murder, He lived" the police said. Her eyes widen, all the running, for nothing, she looked down and took a step back, the police man yelled, She smirked and said " i hope my he lives a good life with his kids" before she jumped off the cliff, she saw the ground as she fell. she felt pain as her bone broke, she was almost dead, she smiled. she will be dead by blood lost, she closed her eyes and saw darkness. Her eyes snapped open and she was on a road, she got up and lost her balance, soon she caught it again. she looked around and walked up to the raod, Soon she saw weird animal thingys, and murder, she stopped by some glass and saw how she looked, she sat there wondering what happened. She figured out she was in hell, She needed a place to stay. She found the "happy hotel" she went in and found a girl, Known as, Charlie. Raven asked for a job there and luckly she said yes, So now Raven works as a maid around the place, going to room to rooms cleaning them, and shell sometimes cook.

other: she doesnt really trust alster that much, And she's friends with angel-Dust.


theme song: 

if smut~~~~~~

turn on: unknown really, But she does like teasing and neck bitting

turn-offs: unknown


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