I realized when I was publishing my comic in here, said comic didn't look like a comic. It only looked like separate photos that should go together (and hopefully do). So, here's what I see when I open my drawing book to the comics! I hope you enjoy!
I went back through the comic and attempted to fix any errors I noticed (Anti didn't have any stubble, which caused me to laugh at my own failure lol).
Also, I should probably make a disclaimer: I do NOT own Antisepticeye, he is owned by Jacksepticeye over on YouTube. And I do not own Markiplier, he owns himself.
I hope you guys genuinely like my comic! I know my comics are nothing compared to some other people's comics, but I had a lot of fun making this and posting here online. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go play A Heist With Markiplier. Enjoy and God bless! :)
My Art Book
РазноеPlease read the title. This is my art, from Lego to character ideas! I hope you enjoy and please don't copy, unless I give you permission!