The Spiral Downwards

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With my senior year coming to an end, my hopes of obtaining a scholarship to my dream school was fading away. Everyday I would  wait for a letter from my coach or an email and eventually I grew to the fact that I was getting nothing. Me being a “mama's boy" I had listened to my mother going on about how the national guard can pay for college and they have a sports program and blah blah. She honestly lost me at sports program I immediately wanted to do this. This was the first time I had my mind set on something and it carried out. The first thing we did as soon as I hit the big 18 was call up a recruiter. Before I get to the juicy part I would like to say that I did have ADHD I had been taking prescribed medication for focusing to pass my classes. Back to what I was saying, we had the recruiter come over. I was so nervous I had trouble speaking because my insides were shaking, I was so excited yet so much anxiety had rushed through me that day. We spoke about my medication we gave him my Information etc. I remember him asking me.. “when was the last time you had taken your medication for school", I replied honestly and said “three days ago". At that point he had spoken about meps which was a facility where they take your blood work and physical and check for anything on your body that can be of future harm etc. Me and my mother ask him if we should wait at least another week for my medication to wear off. He responds, “I think he should be good". Little did I know my life was going to change. We arrived at the facility and to get to the point I made it through everything which was a very long process. I had officially sworn in and I was a member of the national guard. Until one week later my drug test had come out positive. Everything had took a turn for the worst, I was discharged, I had to wait a year to be eligible to sign back up and retake the test. We finally wait a year and we find out that a new rule has come out stating no second drug tests can be given. We tried talking to every recruiter from different branches, and every single one of them said I had been disqualified from every branch. My dreams of traveling the world was finished. The depression was real.

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