Swapped • Kiribaku

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Kirishima was running to school, not because he was late, but he forgot to do his morning jog. As he was approaching he saw Bakugo running in the distance.

Bakugo on the other hand was running so he can catch Kaminari. "Get back here Bastard! You like messing with my phone right!?"


Kaminari, Kirishima and Bakugo were coming towards each other full speed. Kirishima activated his hardening quirk and Bakugo got ready to blast Kaminari's face off.

Kaminari jumped out the way so Kirishima and Bakugo collided. The boys both fell,knocked unconscious.


"Hey Kirishima you ok buddy?" said Kaminari

Kirishima tried to sit up but immediately fell back down. "Kaminari why'd you mess with him?" groaned Kirishima

Kaminari awkwardly smiled. "He was on his phone and I was just really bored so I decided it would be fun to mess with him"

Kirishima felt his anger rising. People knew Bakugo had a temper, but still messed with him causing to lash out. Bakugo lashing out was the exact reason Kirishima was afraid to get closer to him, despite him having a crush.

Both Kaminari and Kirishima felt a chill on their spine as they turned around to find Bakugo conscious and waiting to attack them. "KIRISHIMA YOU IDIOT WHY WOULD YOU USE YOUR QUIRK!?"

"Uhh..hehe sorry about that."Kirishima smiled

Bakugo glared at Kaminari. "Just wait you bastard I'm going to blast your head off!"

Bakugo held his hand out as usual to cause one of his explosions, but something different happened. His hand grew sharp like a blade but hard like rock, like Kirishima's quirk.

"What the fuck" said Bakugo

Kirishima held his hand out and to no surprise mini explosions danced across his palm.

"Amazing you guys switched quirks!" said Kaminari

"No not amazing you idiot, what am I supposed to do with this useless quirk!?"

Bakugo's words hit Kirishima so hard, he felt like he wanted to cry. "Hey Bakugo I get you're upset man, but you need to chill. That wasn't nice."

Kirishima just got up looking at the boys and smiled. "Its fine Kaminari don't worry about it he always acts like this"

Kirishima walked away trying so hard to hold back his tears.

"What am I supposed to do with this useless quirk!?"

"I'm not useless goddamnit!" yelled Kirishima as he punched the wall.

Without realizing it, he walked in the opposite direction of school, towards the beach.

All the trash was gone so Kirishima usually came here to get away from people and train.

Kirishima looked at his palms remembering he still had Bakugo's quirk.

"Useless quirk"

Kirishima finally let out the tears he tried so hard to hide.

"Its not fair, I try so hard every day. I try hard to be noticed, to become a hero, and for him to like me. I can't do any of that, I'm just a useless piece o-"

Somebody covered Kirishima's mouth as he was about to say those words. Kirishima looked up to see Bakugo in front of him.

"Don't say things like that idiot. I was wrong, your quirk is really useful. On my way to find you some kids started some trouble and I just sharpened my hand they started running!"

Kirishima smiled, he won't say it directly but Kirishima knew this was Bakugo's way of apologizing.

"Bakugo I couldn't even activate your quirk once...."

Kirishima put his head down thinking he really was useless. Bakugo lifted Kirishima's face so he was looking up at him.

"Listen you're not useless. My quirk is activated by sweat on my palms. That's why you were able to use it after running."

"Is that why you're mad all the time, to make sure you're able to use your quirk?"

Bakugo smiled. "Who knows. If I said no would you walk away thinking I'm an asshole again?"

Kirishima smiled. "No I like you too much to do that"


Kirishima immediately started blushing. "I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me I'm really really sorry."

Kirishima got up to leave and felt Bakugo grab his arm. "You said you wouldn't leave. So face me and stop being a coward."

Kirishima turned around to be met with Bakugo's embrace. "Don't walk away from me again idiot."

Kirishima hugged Bakugo back. "I promise I won't "

Bakugo pulled away from Kirishima and looked at him. Kirishima started blushing again. He saw Bakugo's hand come closer to his face and cover his eyes.

"Bakugo what are you do-"

To Kirishima's surprise Bakugo kissed him. Kirishima tried to move Bakugo's hand, but he was too strong, and Kirishima was too weak from the kiss.

When they finally pulled apart Bakugo looked at Kirishima and smiled. "Aw look at you blushing. Was that your first kiss?"

"Yes you idiot!" said Kirishima

Bakugo laughed. "Good"

Kirishima started blushing even more. "You're so annoying"

"Haha I took his first kiss! Hahaha-"

Kirishima tackled Bakugo to the ground. "You really need to shutup"

"And if I don't?" questioned Bakugo with a grin

Kirishima raised his palm to his and Bakugo's surprise, his hand sharpened. Bakugo held out his palm to see explosions dance across his palm.

Kirishima quickly got up and started jumping everywhere. "We got our quirks back!"

"Shutup Idiot" Bakugo grabbed Kirishima's hand and they began to walk along the beach together, with the other's heart and their own quirk.

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