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~Seraphina's POV~

I laid in bed on Friday night and stared up at the ceiling in the dark, silently crying while Chester laid beside me. He was sleeping with his body curled tightly into my side, seeking the warmth and comfort from my body that I was happy to provide him. Having him sleeping next to me made me feel not as alone while tears slipped down my cheeks, even if he was just a dog.

There must have been something wrong with me. How could I have fallen for my sister's boyfriend? The thought alone made me cry harder, turning onto my side as I curled into a ball with Chester between my knees and my chest while he slept. I stroked his soft fur as my tears wet my pillow, intense guilt weighing down on my chest. What type of a sister fell for her sister's boyfriend? My heart clenched as I buried my head into my pillowcase, sniffling quietly while I continued to gently pet the ball of fur sleeping just beside me. As I pet him and cried silently, he rolled onto his back and I stared into the darkness through blurry eyes.

I wasn't sure how I had fallen for Luke or when it had started, or why I hadn't noticed the signs of it until recently. How could I be so stupid? What was I supposed to do about this whole thing now? This was a thousand times worse than the feelings that I had had for Enzo, which seemed to fade more and more every day just to be replaced by new ones for Luke. It was a hard thing for me to process and accept. I felt like an awful sister, falling for a man who was not only taken, but my own sister. Good sisters don't do that. Right?

Sniffling, I began to wonder if Luke knew of my feelings for him. He adored my sister like no other. Was it possible that he just felt pity for me and my feelings? I knew it was very wrong of me to like him so much, but I couldn't help it. Luke was the only person who had ever been so nice to me, and the only one who had ever actually shown me that he cared. He was kind to me and he complimented me and always asked to help me, even when he knew that I would decline his offer. He was protective of me in a way that I hadn't experienced from someone, I had learned the night that Malachi and the others were harassing me at the restaurant. Luke had come to help me, to defend me. He didn't know how grateful I truly was for that.

At some point, the tears that had been streaming down my cheeks stopped coming, but the damage to my pillow had already been done. It was pretty wet with my tears.

Sighing to myself, I straightened my legs and rubbed Chester's belly as I laid on my side, eventually managing to drift off into sleep.


When I woke up on Saturday morning, I sleepily peeled open my eyes and looked up at the ceiling as the sun peered into my bedroom through the curtains on my window. I softly sighed as I sat up and pushed my messy, tangled hair out of my face.

Chester lifted his head from beside me and watched me as I slipped out of bed, deciding that I should probably go and take a shower. I headed down the hall with Chester trailing beside me, entering the bathroom and shutting the door behind me once Chester came in and curled up on the rug in front of the sink. Leaving the shower water to heat up after I turned it on, I began to brush my teeth, the mirror fogging up from the heat of the water. After I finished brushing my teeth and getting undressed, I entered the shower and began to get myself clean, the water making my long hair dip down over my butt. When my hair was dry, it already reached down below my waist, so it was naturally pretty long. I quite loved my hair, especially now that I had it dyed ombré. It looked nice on me, I think.

After my shower, I got out and wrapped myself in a towel, heading down the hallway with Chester and into my bedroom. I closed the door and locked it, pushing a strand of wet hair out of my face before I searched through my dresser for a pair of panties. Tugging them up my legs, I then searched for something comfortable to slip on. Eventually, I pulled up a little white romper with lace along the midsection and lining the neckline and the bottom hem. I let my hair stay down to dry on its own and slipped my feet into a pair of fuzzy socks, opening the bedroom door.

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