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This chapter has a lot of reference to the elders in the story many of you might have forgot their name by now so this is just a key....

Vivek and Sarita Nigam (Sam and Shanaya's parents)
Dev and Snehal Arora (Jai's parents)
Randheep and Lavanya ( Avu's parents)
Vibha Nigam (Sid's Mom)

*****************************************Everyone was looking at Sidharth intently everyone thought it's gonna be a joke that he was pulling but Shanaya and Avneet's face were serious and so was Sid's too then he continued...
"Don't get surprised guys I am not calling him a jerk because he is taking away my sister from me not at all..... Because no brother in his right mind will get his sister married to a jerk like this..." He said
"Sid what the hell are you saying..." His mum interrupted...
"He is saying the right thing bee.... " Sameer interrupted... Good start the drama Nigam brothers....
"Sam what is wrong..." Sarita aunty tried stopping Sam...
"Nothing is wrong with me MAA..... After knowing the truth even I am sure you will not want your daughter married to this jerk over here..." Sam said.... Well done I thought myself..
"What truth are you guys talking about..." Vivek uncle asked....
"Sameer.... I respect you guys a lot but I am not hearing anything against my son...and what the hell off a truth you are talking about.." Dev uncle said....
"Neither am I going to tolerate anything... " Shanaya said... And here begins the family feud
"Di I know you hate me for what I did.... But please trust me this guy isn't the right choice for you infact he isn't for any girl on this world..." Sid said...
"What the hell are you saying..??" Shanaya asked...
"This may help you understand what Sid is saying...." Sameer said and handed a paper to Shanaya she read it and was shocked...
Jai came to her and took the paper from her hand and read it... And was shocked like hell....
"What is your name doing in this form Jai..." Shanaya asked...
"Shanaya.... This not what it looks like..."
"This is exactly how it looks like..."Tanya spoke near me and went near them...
"Stop this bullshit Tanya I am warning you..." Jai said...
"I am not gonna keep quite now...." Tanya answered him back...
"Will anybody clarify what is happening over here.... And what is there in those papers Jai..." Snehal aunty asked...
"They are my abortion papers aunty.... With Jai's name as the father of my child...." Tanya spoke...
"What!!!!" Aunty said and turned towards Jai...
"Your son got me pregnant and swayed me into a relationship and aborting my child and finally when my Papa's company collapsed he left me " Tanya said...
"No... This is not the truth..." Jai tried saying...
"Ya it is.... And how dare you not accept it your name is there in the papers why would anyone give his name if he isn't the father..." Sam spoke...
"No Sam believe me this is not the truth...."
Jai tried explaining....
"Why didn't you tell me about it Jai..." Shanaya spoke with tears in her eyes... Jai held her hand and said..
"Believe me Jaan this not what happened she is lying and am sorry for hiding it but I thought it was just gonna create rifts.." Jai said..
"Stay away from my sister " Sid said and came between Jai and Shanaya....
"Jai... If it isn't true why didn't you tell us .." Dev uncle asked...
"Because he was afraid uncle he knew once you got to know about this you will get us married no matter what and he wouldn't be able to ask for the merger he wanted with my dad.... " Tanya said...
"Shut up Tanya... How dare you say such grievous lies about my brother..." Avu spoke
"Bhai never did anything like this.... It was not his baby.... Tanya is lieing popsy..." Avu spoke...
"Avu you knew about all this..." Randheep uncle spoke and for a moment Avneet stopped...
"Ya.... Dad I knew Bhai told me the night he broke all his ties with Tanya..... and I am sorry I know we should have told you guys ..Tanya is lieing now to get back with Bhai and break Bhabhi and bhai's relation please believe him" She said...
" Believe me uncle I am saying the truth if I had any intention of getting back with Jai I would have brought this up during the time we broke up why would I wait for two years " Tanya said...
"I can't believe this Avu I thought after the truth comes out you will support the truth but no for you your brother's reputation is more important then two girl's life he destroyed..." Sid spoke...
"And look who is talking..." Jai said but Avu widened her eyes on him...
And then looked at Sid...
"Sid I know you are angry but believe Bhai isn't at fault in this.... " Avu tried making Sid understand...
"Avu listen I know why you are doing this and honestly I am not mad at you because I know Jai very well knows how to bewitch girls and control them the only difference is he did it with me acting as the love of my life and he is doing the same with you as the brother you never had..." Tanya said well done sister...I thought to myself...
"Stop it Tanya you can't play with my mind like you have done with Sid and Sam my Bhai did nothing at that time... " Avu said...
"What am I going to get by defaming him Avu..." Tanya asked now it was my turn to play the trump card the Aroras and Singhs have been shocked a lot.... Now it's time for the Nigams.... And my dear sister to get the shock of their life...
"You will get Jai Bhai..." I said...
Everyone turned towards me... Tanya was shocked like hell
"What..." She said eyeing me...
"Yes Tanya you will get Jai Bhai back.... That's why you are doing this drama..." I said
"What the hell are you saying Rey..." She said...
"The truth Jai Bhai and Avu are right the baby wasn't Jai Bhai's... Tanya is doing this so that the relation breaks and you guys will get her married to Jai Bhai to restore her reputation in the society..." I said...
"What the hell are you doing Rey..." Tanya asked me...
I went to Avneet and said...
"Avneet I have a confession to make..." I said and then she nodded...
"I know my sister is at fault in this and I am not denying it at all but she is not the only one to be blamed there is someone else who is to be blamed for this too.." I said...
"Who?" Avneet asked..
"Sidharth..." I said..
"How is sidharth related to all of this.." Shanaya Di asked..
"When I came here I already was in love with you Avu since always..... But then my heart broke I was miserable at that time and I got consolation only from Tanya Di we used to talk a lot I told her everything and after few days she came here I thought she had come here to console me or be with me but no she had a evil plan in her mind she told me about how she is planning to break the marriage and ... if we do this we will get what we want she will get Jai Bhai and I will get you but obviously I said no because I was not insane like she was...." I said...
"Rey don't lie... I will kill you " Tanya said looking at me
"I have proof..." I said and Tanya went back to shock...
I got my phone and played a recording of her confessing her plan our discussion inside my room I had edited my part obviously... she had confessed everything about how Jai had helped him and the reason to their break up... Sid and Sam were both shocked now well done Rey...
"This is the truth.... Jai Bhai was never the person to be blamed she was... And Sidharth helped her in it..." I said...
"Matlab...." Vibha aunty asked..
"When she told me to take out the paper from the nursing I had said no to it.... She alone wouldn't have took out the paper Jai Bhai had made sure the the details were hidden properly and no one could reach the paper..... I thought as I had denied to help her she will not be able to get the papers back and didn't tell anyone about this because I didn't want to spoil my own sister's image in the society... But today she broke all her limits that's why I had to speak.... Obviously we can see they have the papers with them which means Sid would have helped her to get it..." As soon as I was able to complete the sentence Sidharth grabbed my collar...
"You moron... You lied to us... You bloody traitor.." he said then Jai Bhai separated us...
"See now that the truth is out he is lunging on me... " I said...
"Sidharth you have done enough let him speak..." Jai said good my plan was working jai was believing me...
"This is insane I am sure Tanya did something to manipulate Sid and Sam why would both of them want to break Shanaya's wedding..." Vibha aunty spoke...right now Shanaya and Avneet were in tears
"Di believe me we didn't knew that Tanya was lieing..... this as all Rey's drama he made us believe that Tanya was saying the the truth .." Sam tried to say to Shanaya...
"Shut up Sam... I am not saying anything because of Avu... Don't make me tell what you did with her to everyone " I said... There goes my master stroke...
"What did he do with Avu..." Vibha aunty asked...
"Aunty.... Sidharth and Avu were in love with each other but that was love from Avu's side for Sidharth it was just crap just a few days ago he broke her heart saying that he was playing with her feelings..... He then got together with Samaira Infront of you all... After that Di was angry on both Sid and Sam... Sid for playing with Avu's feelings and with Sam for supporting him even Rads broke all her ties with Sameer for this.... Yesterday itself I heard both Sid and Sam talking to Tanya they were angry on Jai Bhai and thought that Avneet and Jai Bhai are brainwashing Shanaya Bhabhi against them and thought that it would be best for Jai Bhai and Shanaya Bhabhi to separate so that nobody ever comes to know about what Sid did to Avu... And they even get their sister back..." I said..
"No this is not true... My son can never do this.... I know he is confused at this moment but I am so sure he will never break Avu's heart no he won't..." Vibha aunty said...then she went towards Shanaya...
"Shanaya tell me the truth I can't believe Rey in this he is telling lies right you tell me the truth" Shanaya didn't reply but was in fits of tears right now... Then aunty went to Avu...
"Avu I know there is some problems going on between you guys.... I guessed it when he said that he loves Samaira... But I know my son he will never do this to any girl.... Please tell me this is not true..." She said almost begging..even Avu wasn't saying anything shit Avu say it say how Sid broke your heart that's when the drama will start...
"Avu speak.... Why are you crying... Answer me avneet" Vibha aunty said to Avneet and finally Avneet nodded.... She was shocked like hell tears started pouring out of her eyes Sid came to her ..
"Mom listen to me once..." Sid said..
"Is this true...." She asked with a straight face
"Mom please listen.... " Sid repeated...
"JUST ANSWER ME WITH A YES OR NO..... DID YOU BREAK AVU'S HEART...." Aunty screamed at Sidharth..
"Yes...." He said and got a smashing slap from his mother god this day can't get better... Just then Sam barged in...
"Bee... Listen him once..." And smash even he received a tight slap but not from Vibha aunty but his own mom... I was wrong this day just got better I cant believe this is happening...
"How can you guys be so horrible....." Sarita aunty said...
"You broke... A girl's trust and faith in you.... " Vivek uncle said...
"And you Sam... You really think your brother is right in this.... How inconsiderate have you guys become..."
"Dad listen to us once I agree Sid did all this but there was reason behind this..." Sam said...
"No reason is valid enough Sam... Stop justifying him..." Uncle screamed at Sam...
"You guys were my honour my pride but this is how low You Can get.... sabotaging your own sister's wedding..." Uncle said...
"Wait uncle " Avu said... Good now her time to react then Sidharth and Avneet over forever...
"I have something to say.... I know whatever Sid did with me was wrong and I am never going to forgive him for that... But..... I really don't believe that he will knowingly try to sabotage Bhabhi and Bhai's wedding..." She said what the fuck is wrong with this girl how madly is she in love with this bastard...
"I know whatever we had between us was a facade but the brother inside him I know him quite well infact even Sam also they both can never put there Di's marriage In risk " she said...
"Ya dad....mom bee... I know they did wrong but even I don't believe that my brothers will ever try to harm my relation..." Shanaya Bhabhi said
Aaaaaaaaaah I have to do something... Avneet can't go back to sid I went towards her...
"Avu you can't be this naive and even after what he did with you.... You still believe this guy that he can't spoil your brother's image please open your eyes..." I said and went to Jai Bhai.. he is with me for sure....
"Bhai atleast you make her understand Sid is doing it again... Manipulating her..." I said there was anger in Jai bhai's eyes I could see it once he is against Sid it doesn't matter what Avu feels she will never go against him... Jai was moving towards Sid another slap in your way Mr nigam.... Or may be a punch...
Jai reached there both Sid and Jai were looking at each other.... For a minute then suddenly started laughing and even Sam did the same what the hell is wrong with this guy...
I saw Bhai moving towards Sidharth I knew he would be angry he was anyways grudging on Sidharth for what he did with me and now this accusations on him that he tried to sabotage his wedding..... I am sure Sidharth didn't do anything like this he may be a very bad boyfriend but I know he is a wonderful brother that is infact one of the reason I fell in love with him god knows how am I going to stop Bhai ... Please god solve all this misunderstandings....

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