32. When WHISKEY could solve nothing.

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For what seemed like forever, my memories seemed to have gone blank, my subconscious floated in an unexplainable dark void. I didn't move but it felt like I didn't need to. No one else was here but everything felt peaceful and in place. I didn't feel the need to leave. I didn't want to leave. I couldn't recall a reason to leave and so I stayed until... I heard her voice.

I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I can't do this anymore... I thought I was strong enough but... I'll take your place instead so please... please wake up.

The shakiness in her voice pointed out the fact that she was crying but what voice was this. Why do I get to hear it now after a while of quietness? Why now and what does she seem sorry for? What did she mean by take my place?

Suddenly, there were unanswered questions that filled my thoughts. It all felt strange and yet, her voice seemed quite familiar and then I felt it... the beating of my heart and there was a sudden need to console her, to let her know everything was okay.

Help me.

There, my eyes fluttered open, bright white light blinded me for the first few seconds.

"Ch-christian." Someone rather called in surprise but all I could eventually see was a blurry image of a woman. My visions rather took time adjusting and I had problem looking in the direction of the light.

"Oh my God Christian! You... you're awake!" She exclaimed in excitement.

"The lights. Sorry, I'll be back." She added as she noticed before she went away. A moment later, the room seemed less bright and I could properly open my eyes. When she returned, my vision had cleared better and she looked upon me with hope, excitement and questions in her eyes.

"Do... do you know who I am?" She questioned and waited patiently for a reply from me.

Slowly, I opened my mouth to let out the words but it felt rather hard to speak. My throat felt sore and it seemed my body couldn't recall the manner in which speech left my lips. I tried and tried.

"E... Ema." Her name came out low and course. In that moment, a smile curled up her lips.

"Thank God!" She exclaimed in happiness as she immediately drew closer with her arms around me for a hug. I want to accept the hug but I'm unable to lift my hands. They seemed heavy. My own body felt like a rather old rusty truck.

"Harieth snap out of it!" I exclaimed as I shook her a bit but to no avail. One look ahead and I could see the traffic light had turned red but Harieth was still driving at a speed.

The memory of the accident flashed through my mind and it felt as dreadful as that moment.

"Ha-Harieth." I managed to pronounce and her eyes widened.

"That's right. Harieth. I'll let her know you're awake." She explained before picking up her mobile phone and shifting away for a while.

I watched as she held the phone stuck to her ear with her back faced to me.

"Harieth, it's Christian. He's..." She turned to me, happiness entailed in her eyes as her smile broadened.

"He's awake."

* * *

My eyes stayed glued to the door as I wondered what Lucas and Ema had to discuss outside the room, away from my hearing. What could they be hiding from me? I worried if Harieth was okay. It has been hours since I watched Emerson call her and I'm yet to set my eyes on her.

According to Emerson, unlike me, Harieth was better. I haven't seen her in so long and my heart yearned for a sight of her. Recalling the voice, I'd heard, now, I could tell it was Harieth. She was here but she had sounded devastated

Emerson had carefully explained that I'd been in coma for more than two years. The thought of that fact scared me. I'd left Harieth on her own all this time. How hard it must have been for her these past years. I just want to see her and apologize for not waking up earlier and for hurting her so much.

The door opened and Lucas stepped in, then Emerson. The expression on their faces was sullen and Emerson seemed unable to meet my eyes anymore. Immediately, I could tell something was wrong.

"Christian... Harieth... she's gone." Lucas stated as he finally met her eyes.

The words couldn't sink in.

"Gone... what do you mean... gone?" I had to ask regardless of the difficulty in speech that I was undergoing.

I watched him look elsewhere, slight irritation before looking back at me.

"She left. She disappeared. She's gone from our lives."

And that was all it took to break me.

2 months later...

I stared at the divorce papers in my hand, a huge part of me unable to understand what was going on. My life was in disarray. After waking up more than two years later, I realized a lot had happened and for some reason, my wife disappeared without as much as a clear and reasonable explanation.

Every single day, I try not to be mad at her for leaving. I've made up scenarios where I'm in her place instead of her. It must have felt endless and useless waiting for a man that might never wake up. Finally, exhausted, she decided to leave.

Even if it's for the last time, I want to see her face. I want to know she's okay. I need to apologize for all the stress I've put her through but she's nowhere to be found. She wasn't at any of her family properties as they've been taken away from them.

Lucas had explained how devious Rockwell had gotten. I didn't want to listen any further or believe that Harieth could have possibly had a hand in all this. I just didn't want to think of all that. I just needed to see her. I needed to know why she would send me the divorce papers. Was our love so little? Isn't she hurting on the inside as I'm doing?

"Harieth, where are you?"


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