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xandera's pov

school was soon over and i saw mark,, i called his name and waved to him.

"hey xandera..." he said as he hugged me.

"mark... are you going to the cheerleading thingy?" i asked as he nodded.

"maybe,, why?" he asked and let go of the hug.

"what time is it?" i asked.

"around 4pm till 7pm? i think..." he answered.

"markie,, why do you guys not like taehyun..." i asked
as he sighed.

"we don't hate him xandera... we just don't like that
he's too kind. he's too loveable you know?" he said as i nodded in confusion.

"so you don't like him cause he's to- RENJUN!" i said as i ran to him making mark confused now.

i ran infront of renjun.

"renjun! stop! running! i just want to say! i'm sorry!" i screamed as i ran.

"you wanted to say what?" he suddenly stopped making me bump into him.

"i wanted to say that i'm sorry-"

"renjun ah,, jagiya~" i cringed,, i turned back to see hyuna.

"what the fuck- are you a couple or something now?" i asked renjun,, ignoring hyuna.

"not yet sweetie..." hyuna said as she hung her arms around his neck.

"ew." i said out loud.

"what? we're a couple,, just accept it you player." she said.

"iM sOrrY?! a fucking player? that's you!" i snapped.

"ugh baby,, why are you still friends with this whore-"

"i'm so close to fucking slapping you park hyuna." i said after she said whore.

"hey baby,," i heard taehyun's voice behind me.

suddenly he wrapped his arms around my waist,, "shall we get going baby?" he asked.

"hold on,, you have a boyfriend? wow,, for an ugly girl like you,, you sure do have a cute and handsome boyfriend,," hyuna said.

i put my hand up but taehyun puts it down with his hand.

"renjun-" i started off.

"oh yeah,, did you know? renjun and i kissed on the rooftop yesterday." hyuna said,, tears brimming on my eyes again.


"shut up whore." i shut her up before she could say anything.

"so as i was saying,, im sorry huang renjun. i shouldn't have even stopped you from going to the cheerleading competition. and i shouldn't have even like you in the first place. you were just playing with me.. baby,, let's go." i said to renjun and turning to taehyun with tears filling my eyes.

"it's okay xandera,, we can still solve this.." he tried to comfort me.

"we CANT FIX ANYTHING TAEHYUN. IT'S ALL BEEN DONE." i screamed at him and ran away,, some people staring and i could taehyun or another person running after me.

i stopped at a bus stop,, i flinched when i heard taehyun's voice.

"xandera? xandera!" he said.

"i'm sorry taehy-"

"no i'm sorry. i should have known that you can do this all by yourself without my help... i can still help if you want to.." he said as he hugged me.

i hugged him back. while hugging,, i saw renjun and let go of his hug. i gave taehyun the signal to go first and he knew renjun was behind him.


renjun brought me into a loving kiss,, i cried into the kiss so did he..

"renjun.." i said as i pulled away.

"i'm sorry," he said.

"no i'm sorry. it- i thought you were just a silly crush but.. things turned when i saw u accepting to go to hyuna's cheerleading." i confessed.

"actually,, me and hyuna aren't a thing... i only accepted to go because i thought you were going. if we did go together,, we could sneak out together.." he confessed.

"taehyun and i? we're just best friends.." i confessed again.

"do you still like me?" he asked as i shyly nodded.

"i like you too.. remember me telling you about cassandra? well it was actually you..." he confessed.

"so what now.." i asked shyly looking down and playing with my fingers.

"park xandera...would you like to be my girlfriend..?" he asked as i nodded and looked at him.

he pulled me into a kiss and from that day on,, we were no longer friends. 9 years later after 15,, we are both 24 and married. taehyun was with his love life,, jaemin turned gay for jeno,, chenle and jisung were still in school,, haechan married a beautiful girl a month ago and mark confessed to a girl he liked yesterday.

life must sure be good for us..

we have twins,, a girl and a boy. the girl was liana and the boy was leo. renjun said he wanted twins again but i resisted,, my legs were still sore from yesterday ;)

the end...

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