Chapter 1

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So apparently I had a whole chapter done already and I didn't even realize it until I looked. So, I hope you like it.

~Chapter 1~

"Yeah and I was like-" Maybe it's the way she walked... My phone interrupted me. "What is it mother?" I asked her. "Can you come home please?" She asked. "But mom. I was going to go out with my friends." "What friends?" "Billy, Jacob, and Megan." "They can come over. They can even sleep over." "Okay. Thanks mom. Love you. I'll be home in like 20 minutes." I said, hanging up on her. "So, my mom wants me to go home for some reason. She said that you guys can sleep over." I said. "Yeah!! Let us go to my house to get clothing." Megan said. "Meg you live right next door to her. We live down the block from her. Our house first." Billy said. Billy and Jacob are twins. We went to their house and as we were waiting for them their older sister came down. Lets just say, she hates my guts. "Hey Megan. Aurora." She said walking past us. "It's Rory." I said to her. "But that's a boy's name." She said. "I know it is. But to me it's a nickname." I said as they came down. "Alright, by Sarah. We're sleeping over at Rory's. Mom already knows." Jacob said as they pushed me out the door. "Do you even know why she doesn't like me?" I asked as we walked from their house to Megs. "She said that she doesn't like you because she thinks that you have it all. She also doesn't like that you know more than one language-" Jacob started. "She also thinks that your voice is annoying." Billy said as we walked into Megans house. "Bon d'accord alors." {Okay then} "Hola Ree." {Hello Ree} Megans mom said. "Hola señorita Freeman. ¿Cómo estás?" {Hello Miss Freeman. How are you?} "Bueno cariño. Usted?" {Well baby. You?} "bueno." {Good.} "We'll be up in my room for a few minutes. Then we're going to Rory's for a sleepover." Megan said as she dragged me up stairs. As you guessed, Billy and Jacob are french. Their grand parents are from france. They love me, that's why I speak it fluently. Megan is also spanish. I've known them ever since I was younger. "What languages do you know anyway?" Megan asked as she packed a bag. "English, Gaelic, Spanish, French, German, and Swedish." "Show off." "Adiós madre. Volveré por la mañana." {Goodbye mother. I'll be back in the morning.} Megan said as we walked down the stairs. "De acuerdo, adiós niños." {Okay,good bye kids.} Her mom said as we walked out of the house and into mine. "Mamma, vi är hemma!" {Mother, we're home} I said as we walked into my house. "Küche jetzt!" {Kitchen now!} she said. My mom knows just as many languages as me. So, we tend to mix them up in a conversation. "Uno momento por favor! Ní mór dúinn a titim ar a n-rudaí i mo sheomra." {One moment please. We need to drop their stuff in my room.} I said walking up the stairs. Once we put everything down we ran down the stairs to the kitchen, where my mom was. "What's up mum?" "Open your birthday present." she said handing me a small bag. I opened it and found that it was a book. "Cad?" {What?} "öppna den." {Open it.} I opened it and found that it wasn't a normal book. It was hollowed out, and inside was a piece of thin paper. When I picked it up, I saw that it was three pieces of papers. When I turned them around I saw that it was three tickets to One Direction. "Du fick mig biljetter till One Direction konserten som är på Madison Square Garden!" {You got me tickets for the One Direction concert that is at Madison Square Garden!} "What did you get!"Megan whined. "She got me tickets to the One Direction concert that's at Madison Square Garden." I said to her. "Ieee!!!! Really?" "Yeah. And you're coming with us!" I said, hugging her. "When is it?" "In one week!!" I said. hugging my mom. "Gracias mamá." I said hugging her. "De nada. Ton cousin les a fait pour vous." {Your welcome. Your cousin actually got them for you.} "Which ones?" "The one's in Ireland. They're going to meet us there." She said. "Maura? They're coming all the way from Ireland?" "No, Niall and Kiki are. They're actually bringing a few of their friends." My mom said. "Maura was wondering if you would wanna go back with Niall and Kiki and live with them for a little while...." She trailed off. "Umm. We'll see. We're going to in my room now." I said, running out of the room and up the stairs. After everybody was up there, I locked the door. "So, what are you going to do?" Billy said. "Je ne sais pas saber cad jag är tun werde." {I don't know what I'm going to do.} "Stop. Ree, stop." Jacob said as he put his hands on my shoulders to get me to stop pacing. "Calm down. And speak in english, or in one language that we all understand." He said as he sat me down on my bed. "I don't know what I'm going to do." "Do what your heart says." Meg said. "Okay. I will." I said. "Hey, I know what would make you feel better." Billy said. "What's that?" "Jole didn't get tickets, they were all sold out before she got a chance to buy them. We could rub it in her face that you got tickets AND backstage passes." Jacob said. "Lets." I said, getting my laptop. Jole Ann is the popular girl. The five of us used to be best friends. Until we got to middle school. Then when she got on to the cheerleading team, she became a complete bitch to us. "Heeyy Jole. Guess what I got for my birthday." I said to her as her picture came up. "What the hell do you want Aurora?" "Look what I got for my birthday." I said showing her the three backstage passes. "Where the hell did you get those?" She asked. "My mom got them for me for my birthday. They're for one week." "Damn you. You little bitch. I'm so glad that I dumped the four of you." "Really. Cause, you do know that if we were still friends, I would have brought you. You were the one person that I was the closest to." I said. She was just silent. "That's what I thought." I said as I shut my laptop.

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